- Kamo river promenade Part1/2
http://manythanks-smiles.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/03/part12-b16e.html Always encountering [kaitsuburi] when it encounters, it is feeling of relief, a liberal translation 总是遇到[kaitsuburi],当它遇到时,它是安心的感觉
- , a liberal translation
http://polarbear-gardening.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/post-4348.html Always however you think, the branch does and is dull riding wonder, a liberal translation 然而您总是认为,分支做并且是愚钝的骑马奇迹
- Falling Aikawa April 17th, a liberal translation
http://kazuruno-papa.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/04/417-9887.html Sort, the falling Aikawa paralleling it kept going down always 排序,平行它的下跌的Aikawa继续总是下来
- Japanese Letter
http://violoncelle.tea-nifty.com/applejamdiary/2010/06/post-8e42.html The usual camera was carried 通常照相机运载了
sekirei, Anime, Manga, Nature,