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○■ ツグミ二羽、仲良 セキレイ... Thrush two feather and close friend wagtail two feather, sparrow large number, pigeon and crow, a liberal translation
○■ As for this subspecific [ hakusekirei], there is a going south tendency, it is said that subspecific [hoojirohakusekirei] is in the opposite direction a going north tendency,, a liberal translation
○■ Provoking everyone person , in the pine which it has been about to make the number of wagtails increase, as for the month sea you say that it has become according to of all her plan, but as for the pine as for ability as a reed fang of everyone person that you are above your own imagining, you laugh
○■ 最近の画像つき記
[ 画像一... Recent picture being attached article [to picture summary, a liberal translation
○■ ちょっと辛い
△ 祝福の... That extent and the story which you think whether [kanpanera] of △ b blessing which just a little is harsh (the #6) it is the continuation do not understand a but [keroro] sergeant (the #326) [chi] [bi] [kero], after a long time after all the favorite also the ○ b student council official who is not (the #6) the first roughness is what! (^^;) Recently, [yo] where the field goes to favorite ○ a play! (The #5) as for story however it was good, that swimming wear being popular too much?
○■ For a while having enough view, as for descent truth when more you wanted to be slow, as for the mountaintop of the woman body mountain the person it was many
○■ さて、映画の内容 と云えば... Well, if you mention contents of the movie
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