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○■ 『アリエッティ』 欠けている... 'It is “feeling what which it is difficult to explain in other words in these words” to [arietsutei]' to have been lacking,, a liberal translation
○■ In up-to-date article wor ld “of diary” category as for Kafka that of the longest photograph seashore… [damedame] tying tofu small cooking restful house human feelings 帖 3
○■ 「大くま星座」は しゃくのお... As for the “large [ku] [ma] constellation” in the story of the ladle, as for that it was the Russian folk tale, it is! With you knew for the first time, a liberal translation
○■ 18:48 from yub... 18:48 f rom yubitter (re: @allred_risa) @allred_risa while for a while being seen, smart [darubitsushiyuimeji] in me becoming the feeling which just a little is different, the w 19:00 from yubitter which it increases (re: @lock_a6) The @lock_a6 local [tsu] [te] by any chance…There!? (The ゜∇゜) [tsusu] which we would like to apply! The [kiyo]!!! 19:26 from yubitter (re: @gurikomori) @gurikomori thank you (no △t) 19:27 from yubitter (re: @lock_a6) While @lock_a6 comprehension (the `▽´ HKDRT circumstances doing to see, easily to keep aiming! 19:32 from yubitter tomorrow…The greed knight reaches, it seems, (the ゜∇゜) (the ゜∇゜) (the ゜∇゜) (the ゜∇゜) wktk 19:39 from unintentionally [tsu] [pu] [ru] /twipple (re: @nasukondtmk) @nasukondtmk you live…(; д; ) 19:40 from unintentionally [tsu] [pu] [ru] /twipple (re: @nasukondtmk) Because as for the @nasukondtmk ice whether well enough rare, is, 15 times doing, only one it entered,…, a liberal translation
○■ 話は変わりますが 雨入りして... Story it changes, but after rain to enter doing, weather being directly bad, about 3 weeks the male it is it does not dry approximately, a liberal translation
○■ フカフカの新雪が しめそうで... The fresh snow of the shark shark enjoys may, don't you think? is!
○■ As for Koza that, the n h andmade seeing it was made with the beer case. The knee hiding was placed and was also a name handbill stand, a liberal translation
○■ テーブルのところ ら自分で引... You pulling out from the place of the table by your, it is the extent which it climbs, a liberal translation
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