- It keeps continuing important (the ≧∇≦) b
http://birdsmam-yun.cocolog-wbs.com/blog/2010/10/b-4eb5.html Because 'it does not go to side, don't you think? please feel at rest Weil 'es nicht geht mit Seiten zu versehen, nicht denken Sie? glauben Sie bitte im Ruhezustand
- God hiding of thousand and Chihiro
http://niqui.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/01/post-a19a.html 'It is “feeling what which it is difficult to explain in other words in these words” to [arietsutei]' to have been lacking,, a liberal translation „Es „glaubt, was, dem es schwierig ist, in diesen Wörtern mit anderen Worten zu erklären“ zu [arietsutei]“ ermangelt zu haben,
- Quantities the side which is active are few ~Σ (the ¯∇¯; )!, a liberal translation
http://birdsmam-yun.cocolog-wbs.com/blog/2011/10/post-ec6d.html Therefore 'the [yu] it is the veteran, it is all right, don't you think? ~' [tsu] [te]… Folglich „[yu] es ist der Veteran, es hat ganz Recht, nicht Sie denken? ~“ [tsu] [te]…
Kafka, Books,