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○■ さて、読書の記録 とっている... Well, because record of book-reading is taken, you probably will take also the record of the book which was sold, a liberal translation
○■ この中に入って寝 ら暖かいん... Going in this, when you sleep, it is warm, it is the kana which is not
○■ The uni- frame which touc hes to windows7 for the first time with popularity article cartoon tea drinking of this [burogu] (uniflame) the fire grille bbq… of the cold winter Finally discovery!! Starting point fly rod, a liberal translation
○■ こちらは仲よく お っきなボー... This relations plays well largely with the ball
○■ こういう所にいき り入るだな... However how excessively [nai] which enters into such place suddenly and is it is don't you think? -, a liberal translation
○■ While eating the candy, d rinking the tea, when racketeer racketeer Hiroshi it is and the [tsu] it is [ri] something does, forgetting that time passes stripe now the shank [e, a liberal translation
○■ いつものように下 を2ℓ飲ま... The usual way unless the laxative 2 ℓ is drunk,…
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