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○■ 『憂き城物語』( 篇(240... 'The unhappy coming castle story' (medium volume (240)), applying, on the Japanese book-reading paper, 'talent of heresy', 'the owner of very strange talent' is the work which is commented liberal arts critic Ogawa harmony 佑
○■ Pouring the up-to-date ar ticle evening sun “of cat” category, in your [oumakoniyankozu] inside which you run, it goes back and forth, (the *^_^*) this year, the meal outside the beginning - cat bus! Outside discovery, but strong rain and wind
○■ 『ベルギーショコ のどら焼』... 'Belgian chocolate throat and others burning' [monteru
○■ Melody silence in up-to-d ate article Kafka heart “of everyday vain nature” category? Beginning* The color winter is close, a liberal translation
○■ ( 猫縞 さんの ツ ート... Don't you think? ([tsuito] of the cat stripe) 02:35 from… 02:36 from unintentionally the [tsu] [pu] [ru] /twipple [u] it is, it is sugar in the sorrow which the [tsu] [pu] [ru] /twipple dirty [chi] it waited unintentionally, the [e] - (difference) 02:36 from unintentionally Tiyuuya [tsu] [pu] [ru] /twipple Dear Sir-Madam Nakahara!!!! 17:08 from yubitter (re: @nasukondtmk) @nasukondtmk [kiyo] it is unreasonable, don't you think? (laughing) the large amount is with Nakano, buying [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] the air whose one is cheap did, (the ¯∀¯) already 3000 Yen it invested and… orz 17:16 from yubitter (re: @nasukondtmk) Other than of @nasukondtmk [kiyo] being even all type,…When you think that nine minute nine rins it wears, the air which is turned vanished, (laughing) one entering in 1 boxes, even [ru] thing this time of doubtful today the w 17:18 from yubitter sumo wrestling which is you see, \ (the ^ - the ^)/the victory [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is in the 18:00 from yubitter white 鵬…Therefore well change however you cannot rejoice gently, the [re] where the white 鵬 is attached to change it is unexpected not to be,
○■ Densely furthermore it is , also easy everyday life is what, this time of today when you are moved by valuably, a liberal translation
○■ フカフカの雪の中 ウサギみたく... It seems that the fact that the rabbit we would like to see in the snow of the shark shark, run is [suki
○■ 「weblog」カテゴリ 最... The up-to-date article April 7th edition ice saints “of weblog” category, it continues! April 6th edition chilly after the night cherry tree April 5th edition Hanami day harmony… after the April 4th edition bomb low pressure… walking of April 2nd edition night cherry tree sight-seeing
○■ 最近の画像つき記
[ 画像一... Recent picture being attached article [to picture summary, a liberal translation
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