- It keeps continuing important (the ≧∇≦) b
http://birdsmam-yun.cocolog-wbs.com/blog/2010/10/b-4eb5.html … With, abrupt designation … Mit, plötzliche Kennzeichnung
- Quantities the side which is active are few ~Σ (the ¯∇¯; )!, a liberal translation
http://birdsmam-yun.cocolog-wbs.com/blog/2011/10/post-ec6d.html … Don't you think? as for article, in addition tomorrow ~ and ~♪ (o¯∇¯)/, a liberal translation … Nicht denken Sie? was Artikel, zusätzlich morgen ~ und ~♪ anbetrifft (o¯∇¯)/
- As for [hi] obtaining goods of pad. . .
http://rabbi-rabbi-everyday.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/06/post-8f5a.html … Just a little, [otsusan] entering, however it does also the air the [ru] way (laughing), a liberal translation … Gerade wenig, [otsusan] hereinkommend, gleichwohl es tut auch die Luft die Weise [ru] (Lachen)
Kafka, Books,