- “Playwriting dismantlement new book” Tsuchida Suguru raw compilation thought
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/kobakata/diary/201110230000/ The air which story has not ended doing El aire que la historia no ha terminado hacer
- Oslo, a liberal translation
http://pi-kokku21.at.webry.info/201106/article_19.html Story it changes, but after rain to enter doing, weather being directly bad, about 3 weeks the male it is it does not dry approximately, a liberal translation La historia que cambia, pero después de que la lluvia incorporar hacer, tiempo que es directamente malo, cerca de 3 semanas el varón él sea él no se seca aproximadamente
- “Na manhã do playback - seleção do juiz que é -” (jogando um JUIZ de pedra) (o filme chinês): Roubando o carro 2, o magnate que aponta para a transplantação de rim da juventude que recebe a decisão da punição importanta
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kj3996912/32868943.html Ending, seeing, the movie which you saw with most dejected feelings being instantaneous, because it is rescued, it will be relieved, but you cannot reveal kind, a liberal translation Terminación, viendo, la película que usted vio con la mayoría de las sensaciones dejected que eran instantáneas, porque se rescata, será relevado, pero usted no puede revelar clase
Kafka, Books,