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○■ ジャンル: book ( コ. .. Genre: book (comic) sale day: 2011/09/30 price: There is also such a commodity of purchase with ¥ 980 - The channel that way! 3 (big comics (special)) - [terumae] [romae] IV (beam comics) - The channel that way! 2 (big comics (special) - The channel that way! 1-hhtv Hokkaido* Television (big spirits comics special) - The life (31) of Professor genius Yanagizawa (morning kc)
○■ 8,9巻持ってるけ それ以外が... 8,9 volumes having, however the [ru] because it is not other than that, the [tegamibachi] 1 (jump comics) author whom you buy: Asada Hiro happiness selling agency: The Shueisha Publishing Co., Ltd. sale day: 2007-01-04 the male be completed degree: The [tegamibachi] 2 (jump comics) author who looks at [kuchikomi]: Asada Hiro happiness selling agency: The Shueisha Publishing Co., Ltd. sale day: 2007-06-04 the male be completed degree: You look at [kuchikomi, a liberal translation
○■ ローマ風呂と日本 温泉や銭湯... As for the point which unites the being twisted, Roman bath and the Japanese hot spring and the bathhouse, as a cartoon establishment just,
○■ 「読書録」カテゴ の最新記事... Up-to-date article “of book-reading record” category Lucky adventurers - last days of the shogunate compilation (20) With cartoon reading through God tune [terumae] [romae] (� - �) The news item register of the story where the tip of that stops wanting to hear it is immediately understood! 4 scene western music history � baroque mid terms - romance…, a liberal translation
○■ 20:45 from web... 20:45 f rom web (re: @sas_taka) @sas_taka apbank kana? I would like to see Kuwata who is sung with [samasoni
○■ The [yo] after the ancien t Roman favorite it is to be disgusted it is to be and with the notion that where you say it purchases with the optimistic point, a liberal translation
○■ ローマ時代の風呂 計技師ルシ... Bath design engineer [rushiusu] of the Roman era slipping, why the time coming to the Japanese bathhouse, various types discovering, you say that it returns, keeps using that in your own design, like this writing, nothing being transmitted, the shank
○■ 阿部寛がどんなロ マ人を演じる... The schedule which goes to verifying whether Hiroshi Abe plays what kind of Roman
○■ Time slip itself is not s omething which they select, means that beginning is involved in the portable circumstance of space-time at least, a liberal translation
○■ ■ アニメ『テルマ エ・ロマ... * Animation '[terumae] [romae]' original: [yamazakimari] subject song: ♪ [terumae] romance writing the lyric composition: Hasimoto picture 莉 child song: [chiyatsutomonchi, a liberal translation
○■ The filming stripe it doe s with Abe Hiroshi starring, the seed! In addition, Ogi Ichimura, Kitamura one shine, Sisido opening… Dense face [tsu] temporary (laughing)!
○■ イタリアロケで、 タリア人のエ... With the Italian location, blending to the extra of the Italian person, as for the principal cast the Japanese or after you thought and
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