- Animation '[terumae] [romae]'
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ska-me-crazy2006/e/df832f11d3c90de2a20ccca5719e1c1d * Animation '[terumae] [romae]' original: [yamazakimari] subject song: ♪ [terumae] romance writing the lyric composition: Hasimoto picture 莉 child song: [chiyatsutomonchi, a liberal translation * Animation „[terumae] [romae]“ Vorlage: [yamazakimari] vorbehaltliches Lied: ♪ [terumae] Romance, der den lyrischen Aufbau schreibt: Hasimoto Abbildung 莉 Kindlied: [chiyatsutomonchi
- Indolent consideration of [roi] Ida's, a liberal translation
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/roy-t/20111011 * [Book] fierceness! The Italian family fierceness! The Italian family * [Buch] Wildheit! Die italienische Familienwildheit! Die italienische Familie
- Amber theatre/playing word
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/fujipon/20120429 * [Book] telephoto Japanese knowledge record ☆☆☆☆, a liberal translation * [Wissens-Aufzeichnung ☆☆☆☆ des Buch] Telefotos japanisches
- Useless useless record ver of diary of KAZ - KAZ older brother [chiyama] Hatena -
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/KAZRX/20120428 * Good morning 14:25 today [akiba] going, g4u receiving, we would like to go in the [terumae] [romae] seeing the [o * Das 14:25 des gutenmorgens [akiba] heute gehend, empfangendes g4u, möchten wir in gehen [terumae] [romae,], das Sehen [O
- shin �� mittsu no hitsugi �ݡ� gen'ei no shoko �� nikki
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/tsuki0214/20110520 * [comic] [terumae] [romae] 3 volume * [komisch] [terumae] [romae] 3 Volumen