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○■ ヤマザキ
○■ Feeling hot after all, it is enormous to say, well with you are impressed
○■ また、粒状のため 他の食材と... In addition, because of granularity, it has become easy to mix with the other food
○■ After well, entering, it has made quiet it is like, but
○■ どちらも1世帯ひ つが原則で... Both 1 household one are principles, a liberal translation
○■ Temporarily, consecutivel y we would like to keep placing those which it has, a liberal translation
○■ と言うよりも、東 で生活して... Rather than with saying, as for living in Tokyo you felt that it loses,, a liberal translation
○■ With saying, because it i s the jelly, as for the limit however it is
○■ でもドリーは硬く あまり味の... So as for the dolly being hard, we dislike the pan which excessively does not have taste
○■ Next, because 2 there was a roll cake of [yamazaki], eating with 4 people, approximately, the stomach fullest capacity, a liberal translation
○■ それも肉系の調理 ンです... That is the cooking pan of meat type
○■ Even then, as for the sto re there is no [seikomato
○■ それでも、仕事に く時のコン... When even then, going to work, convenience store is Lawson
○■ Furthermore taste of bean jam Imai [chi] [niya
○■ これ、私が好きな です... This, we like me
○■ It is and the [chi] also the cream is little the forcing [chi] where taste [bimiyo, a liberal translation
○■ 「飲み放題ならヤ ザキも飲ま... If “drinking at will make also [yamazaki] drink!! [uriya]” how it barks dismissing
○■ * This corporation has pr epared the repair specialty store all part
○■ venomstripのステー... After the staging venomstrip, to be in the thing 販, when it seems it is “however [sugo] you applied also yesterday, present celebration, furthermore shank [tsu] [te] you called to the staff with the best condition”,” because you could rest yesterday after a long time slowly after the curtaining” even
○■ When period limited editi on has been issued, the dolly daughter taught, but easily it was not found in the shop where the dolly goes well and did not enter into the hand, a liberal translation
○■ 一、大口を開けて ぶりつく... One, opening the large amount, the photographic fog three tasting the combination of two being attached and three chocolates, enjoy the food impression of the nuts which are made [zakutsu, a liberal translation
○■ The lily rubs also the ri ding place had become [erai] thing, a liberal translation
○■ ではその気になる 者さんは... So the performer who becomes that air?, a liberal translation
○■ So, the bread and the bun of [yamazaki] the [tsu] it came and entered, a liberal translation
○■ 食べること、味わ ことは、なに... It does not limit to “the food” at all that you eat and tasting, a liberal translation
○■ As for me attendance is n ot possible but, of the duty opening to 10 o'clock in the morning it probably can go to [yamazakishiyotsupu] in connection with duty
○■ 朝食は食パン2枚 マーガリン、... As for breakfast 2 breads, margarine and peanut butter, [yamazakiichigosupeshiyaru] and coffee, a liberal translation
○■ Also today will keep pers evering! I go out to vehicle inspection from this
○■ 今日も元気にパン レッスンとパ... Also today went the lesson of the pan and the byte of bakery vigorously! The ~ which is the pan exhausting
○■ Lawson is the clear file of limitation, but, a liberal translation