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○■ * With cartoon grand prix prize-winning work of [terumae] [romaeyamazakimari] teacher this year shank, a liberal translation
○■ ⊥ テルマエ・ロマ エiv特装... ⊥ [terumae] [romae] IV special equipment edition supplement [teinteinaburamusutoratsupu] (entry blurring in)
○■ recent entries | Tear [ra vu] u [huoebakaneshiyon] last time carnation late year of woman of movie drama this marguerite Thatcher iron 奈 Tsu appearance, carnation
○■ 15:53 from ついっ... 1 5:53 from unintentionally [tsu] [pu] [ru] /twipple It is useless! Because massage it is meat cartoon being heavier being light it is not shown, it cannot specify with 3 times! Maximum of 4 necessary [ta] ゙ [ro]! (⌒ω⌒) 15:58 from unintentionally each [tsu] [pu] [ru] /twipple (1) 4 [tsu] 8 placing, when it balances, 1 you remove are the meat [ma, a liberal translation
○■ The number of books which October book-reading meter were read: 14 volumes the number of pages which were read: Page 3070, a liberal translation
○■ 書店員の選ぶマン 大賞201... The cartoon grand prix 2010 which the book store member chooses, 14th Tezuka Osamu insect cultural prize shortly it is comic cartoon of the compilation prize prize-winning work
○■ When you look at the movi e, the booklet which can be received being attached, the special compilation of the interview and cartoon starring two the profitable impression it was
○■ 明日で今週終りだ 頑張るでー... This week it is end at tomorrow! It perseveres being, []!, a liberal translation
○■ 何だろう、このは りっぷり... It probably is what, this being fixed [tsu] [pu] [ri, a liberal translation
○■ ねぇなと思ってた だが、ここ... Don't you think? but you think the [e] it is, you replace here refuse [ge] [e] timing shelf ww
○■ That worrying, whether ho w long bath news item it has it increased, but it continues with unexpected rubbing, the shank bath cultural [tsu] [te], and the [tsu] [pa] inner part are deep, is
○■ 「テルマエ・ロマ 」や「神の... “The drop of “[terumae] [romae]” and God”, the “space sibling” is regularly read
○■ You call, to the star” also the attitude which does not adhere ““case” is beautiful, a liberal translation
○■ しかし何よりすば しかった... But the fact that it is more splendid than something is set of [chinechitsuta
○■ ルシウスの力にな うとするが…... It is about probably to become power of [rushiusu] but…, a liberal translation
○■ Temporarily, today [yu] - [tsu] chestnut soak tries applying to the bath of the [me] which is painted, the better [yo
○■ Movie “[terumae] [romae ]” seeing, cod that!? The integral body where we is Roman like hair type going, going to the wine stock, big window cleaning of the store doing to come, “the raw lever” [tsu] [te] shouting, it was long one day
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