- Movie appreciating “[terumae] [romae]”
http://shinki.way-nifty.com/orororo/2012/04/post.html Movie you looked at “[terumae] [romae]” 您看“的电影[terumae] [romae]”
- Fatigue CHAN♪
http://ameblo.jp/nakadai56/entry-11247391081.html Movie “[terumae] [romae]” seeing, cod that!? The integral body where we is Roman like hair type going, going to the wine stock, big window cleaning of the store doing to come, “the raw lever” [tsu] [te] shouting, it was long one day 看见的电影“[terumae] [romae]”,鳕鱼! ? 缺一不可的身体我们是罗马象去的地方头发的类型,去做的商店的酒股票、大窗户清洁来, “未加工的杠杆” [tsu] [te]呼喊,长期是一天
- Movie “[terumae] [romae]”
http://nabe505.at.webry.info/201205/article_3.html Movie “[terumae] [romae]” 电影“[terumae] [romae]”
- Movie you looked at “[terumae] [romae]”, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/takeharashizuka/archives/52258279.html Movie at it went to the t joy of Higashi Hiroshima city which looked “[terumae] [romae]”, movie looked at “[terumae] [romae]”, a liberal translation 在它的电影去看“Higashi广岛市的t喜悦[terumae] [romae]”,电影看“[terumae] [romae]”