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○■ * The Japan Series 7th ga me software bank 3-0 the Kawasaki sect rule infielder (30) of the medium day (2011 November 20th [yahu] d) software bank, the overseas transfer which is acquired in the June this year using possible free agent (fa) right, on the 20th, it understood that you challenge to the major league,
○■ 最近、日本のホン が、ヒト... Recently, the Japanese HONDA, human type robot “asimo ([ashimo])” announced the new model model
○■ 今朝も会社関係の 急の用事の... Now morning there was the telephone of the errand of emergency of company relationship, was caused
○■ Today increased with afte r a long time the holiday day off, around the noon the [bu] and others [tsu] looking at main series of going out and returning home future,, a liberal translation
○■ 今年は去年みたい ことはなく... Because this year as for last year like thing not to be, it is broadcast with all the tournament ground waves, also degree of attention is high because? After all, because the Japan Series is special ones, don't you think?
○■ In addition, as for the s uper first-rate player, in the first place excessively when there is no fascination is many for me,
○■ でも、日本シリー にこれ聞い... So, in the Japan Series this hearing when you want to rise,, a liberal translation
○■ これが決定権を持 という事だ... You think that it means that this has balance,, a liberal translation
○■ The flower of the shade i n the up-to-date article “of chat” category/玄 侑 sect Hisashi work November 7th (month) the [bu] and coming November 6th (day) the [bu] and coming middle day the Japan Series advance and the software bank become confrontation, [ma]… It was wedding of the next man!
○■ 「家政婦の ミタ ではなく... “[mita] of the housekeeping lady” not to be, “[mike] of the housekeeping lady”?, a liberal translation
○■ Up-to-date article Novemb er 20th “of portable telephone twitter” category (day) [bu] and that 2 November 20th of coming (day) [bu] and coming November 19th (Saturday) [bu] and coming November 18th (gold) [bu] and coming November 17th (wood) [bu] and coming
○■ プロ野球・巨人の 武英利球団... Kiyotake Hidetosi club representation and the general manager of professional baseball giant =gm= (61) on the 11th, you interviewed at the education scientific ministry, declaration of the whistle-blowing which we assume that club Chairman Tsuneo Watanabe of the giant (85) = Yomiuri Shimbun Company group head office chairman editorialist = intervened in club personal affairs unjustly, was announced
○■ 個人的は、福岡の に頑張っても... Private, having persevering in the Fukuoka one, would like to have giving benefit to the portable telephone of the software bank, a liberal translation
○■ Therefore as for victory of [hokusu], in the Nankai era 2 times, in the Daiei Inc. era 2 times, with the software bank first victory 5th it seems
○■ しかし、私は仕事 見られないの... But, because I do not see with work, it was,… with the [ho] [ho, a liberal translation
○■ 今日はずっと在宅 、まった... Today you were at home directly, waited, a liberal translation
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