- Celebration 6th anniversary, a liberal translation
http://spray.at.webry.info/201111/article_29.html This [burogu] attained 6th anniversaries this day, with November 12th Ceci [burogu] a atteint les 6èmes anniversaires ce jour, avec le 12 novembre
- From Iwase Asao…There is only opposite equation “this of Ochiai supervision victory”
http://ameblo.jp/nanami0731/entry-11083696846.html “The [a] it did the last tournament 2011, a liberal translation « [A] il a fait le dernier tournoi 2011
- * Pachinko*
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chu-chu3/e/5bbe3dbf23da4a99eaf1f68a73275870 Day of pachinko it probably will put out November 14th, is Jour de pachinko il éteindra probablement le 14 novembre, est
- * Camera*, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chu-chu3/e/7bec56305aeec696f7b2c29b4715cbf3 Day of camera it probably will put out November 30th, is, a liberal translation Jour d'appareil-photo il éteindra probablement le 30 novembre, est
- , a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nekogatarobo/e/6e90ac2c0543390942f4ee9f8cca2969 Pine clearly “running” was read, about 1/3 heavily Le pin clairement « fonctionnant » a été lu, environ 1/3 fortement
- Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chu-chu3/e/59a1c01dd944f1bbc24c27002982122c Day of worldwide rest room it probably will put out November 19th, is Jour de pièce de repos mondiale il éteindra probablement le 19 novembre, est
The Japan Series, Sport,