- You will pay attention to physical condition., a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/kaiyou6984/archives/51955671.html The software bank is supported privately, but we want doing the fight which does not understand up to last end, is, a liberal translation La base de programas informáticos se apoya privado, pero queremos hacer la lucha que no entiende hasta el extremo pasado, somos
- Sport observation, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/tackar710907/entry-11080322966.html Private, having persevering in the Fukuoka one, would like to have giving benefit to the portable telephone of the software bank, a liberal translation Privado, teniendo perseverencia en la Fukuoka una, quisiera tener donante de la ventaja al teléfono portable de la base de programas informáticos
- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://ameblo.jp/hapihapimorning/entry-11080737008.html Because the software bank is supported privately, a liberal translation Porque la base de programas informáticos se apoya privado
- Japan in PomPom Japan Series 3 victory 3 defeat/miss
http://blog.livedoor.jp/junnag5/archives/51883839.html You remembered that also the daughter has entered into the cheer group cheer leading team privately in school days Usted recordaba que también la hija ha entrado en el equipo principal de la aclamación del grupo de la aclamación privado en días escolares
- Weekend incident book Vol005, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/yasudahisashi/entry-11084617037.html It cannot put out personal name, but it is different from the other eating and drinking managers whose woman play is extreme, me who am serious (laughing) it recommends with self-confidence! With [merumaga], (from car window of the world in wind) the [tsu] [te] corner we would like to do once upon a time “from go go of the world” ¡No puede poner hacia fuera nombre personal, sino que es diferente de la otra consumición y los encargados de consumición cuyo juego de la mujer es extremo, es serio, (riendo) yo que recomendamos con confianza en sí mismo! Con [merumaga], “de vaya van del mundo” (de la ventana de coche del mundo) [tsu] [te] esquina que quisiéramos hacer érase una vez en el viento
- 1715: The tournament which was seen recently (603 waiting), a liberal translation
http://dehikia.jugem.jp/?eid=1738 For example private, associating, because as for the dress whose exposure is many excessively it is the type which we do not want doing in the [ru] person, the person of exposure mania without being able to associate, the shank, a liberal translation Por ejemplo privado, asociándose, porque en cuanto al vestido cuya exposición es muchas excesivamente es el tipo que no queremos hacer en la persona [ru], la persona de la manía de la exposición sin poder asociarse, la caña
The Japan Series, Sport,