- From Hiroshi's Mitsuru Ochiai 'command' that 1 “Yamanoi's alternation”
http://mind-body-younger.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/post-92a1.html But, selection with this scene was Iwase Mas, a seleção com esta cena era Iwase
- Major league, a liberal translation
http://konosuke.txt-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-c63a.html But, are the players such as that probably the [ii] player truly? Mas, são os jogadores tais como aquele provavelmente [ii] o jogador verdadeiramente?
- [bu] and coming December 6th (Tuesday)
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/t-waki2/e/b0172968704cfacd610950c0d36f56c1 But, after all the blooms style in characteristic the combination cup Mas, após todo o estilo das flores na característica o copo da combinação
- More and more is!, a liberal translation
http://next884mat.at.webry.info/201111/article_26.html But, because I do not see with work, it was,… with the [ho] [ho, a liberal translation Mas, porque eu não ver com trabalho, era,… com [ho] [ho
http://aisakaikko.blog72.fc2.com/blog-entry-1860.html But, when you see carefully, the American stocks it is returned to 12000 dollar level Mas, quando você vê com cuidado, os estoques americanos é retornado ao nível de 12000 dólares
- Akiyama supervision in Japan one
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/xkxpd325/e/271d8d4219252e4f8ac61a07dc53a6b5 But, it became cold, well, a liberal translation Mas, tornou-se frio, bom
The Japan Series, Sport,