- Nomura Katuya 'Nomura note'
http://tarou.way-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-fc1c.html Essence of the Nomura baseball, “thinking, does the baseball A essência do basebol de Nomura, “pensando, faz o basebol
- It is not done
http://atsukonanako.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-4a93.html Other than of the baseball or motion or physical education is not done at all, is, it runs and/or recently the faces which are not done the few stripe - seem that becomes the [ru] [ku] - À excepção do basebol ou o movimento ou a instrução física não é feito de todo, é, funciona e/ou recentemente as caras que não são feitas pouca listra - pareça que se torna [ru] [ku] -
- While it is vain nature
http://route63.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-806b.html Don't you think? from the baseball, the soccer increases [shibire Você não pensa? do basebol, o futebol aumenta [shibire
- Actuality is bitter always
http://cocoa-kokoha.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-f31e.html In baseball, mother of [do] amateur, a liberal translation No basebol, mãe [faça] do amador
- Medium day [doragonzu, a liberal translation
http://eshair.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-11-22 The baseball completely did not have interest to time of the student, however it is, here recently it became favorite, (*^^*), a liberal translation O basebol completamente não teve o interesse à época do estudante, porém é, aqui recentemente ele tornou-se favorito, (o *^^*)
The Japan Series, Sport,