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○■ 行政刷新会議
○■ Because the Democratic pa rty administration prohibited legislation of house members, member of the Diet lost legislative function, as for work was only care of constituency and became, a liberal translation
○■ 来年度予算案に約7 0億円を計上... We appropriate approximately 7,000,000,000 Yen in next year draft budget, we advance researching the coping method to the computer virus and rearing etc the soldier who had expert knowledge
○■ With “business categori zation” of administrative renovation meeting of the government where also business categorization and sport budget take a second look [batsusari] next year budget requirement, it became conclusion of the reduction whose approximately 5,900,000,000 Yen of sport budget is substantial
○■ これまでの国家安 保障戦略は主... The former national security strategy put emphasis to overseas threat mainly, but terrorist plan inside the United States following one another recently, from the fact that it is detected, we had decided also domestic combating terrorism to include to the strategy
○■ Ministry of Agriculture F orestry and Fisheries Bureau Chief lotus 舫 in Assemblyman “in proceeding doubt” and question condition 2009.11.24 19:11
○■ 「廃止」は4特会 事業仕分け効... As for “abolition” 4 special meeting 8 business categorization effects, largest being, 600,000,000,000 Yen special accounts (special meeting) “business categorization” of the 菅 administration which is taken a second look 3rd feature on the 30th, finished the schedule 4 days, a liberal translation
○■ “Categorization” now “it burns and gets fat and” and is becoming “spineless” similar and pronoun of bureaucratic main leadership politics
○■ 行政刷新会議の「 業仕分け」も... “Business categorization” of administrative renovation meeting receiving interesting part, a liberal translation
○■ The Democratic party admi nistration pledge of the House of Representatives selection ahead (the manifest) with, put out the revival of the mother and child addition which our public administration abolishes, but the financial affairs ministry insisted the compression to approximately half price concerning necessary cost, conference of the thick labor ministry had a rough going
○■ みなさん、こんに は... Everyone, today
○■ - Description below is fr om hp of the daily constructive industrial newspaper
○■ 2009年11月15日10時0.. . 2009 November 15th 10:00/offer: Gene die/di net
○■ News December 8th, a libe ral translation
○■ 民主党政権の閣僚 共通してい... The habit where is common to the Cabinet minister of the Democratic party administration rather than, it is the conduct pattern just to mean groovy thing with the splendid scene, not to execute
○■ So as for the public inn leaving, [onegai]!
○■ 「なぜ一番で無け ばならない... “Why most must be?” and so on with the person who criticizes stupidly, come out
○■ In 2009 estimate request development budget of 26,700,000,000 Yen “only the budget appropriation send-off without close reduction” was decided with business categorization
○■ 査定マニュアルは 事業仕分け... The assessment manual before the business categorizing is distributed by the categorization person as a “reference memo”, presents “point” every business, the problematical point and the like is done to write provision
○■ As for business categoriz ation, directing to budget compression, member of the Diet and the private intellectual people categorization person, the business item which each ministry and board requires via the eye outside, “in the financial affairs ministry the point of view which is not” (branch field Yukio working group generalization) with the mechanism which is checked
○■ 行政刷新会議ワー ンググルー... The administrative renovation meeting working group (the business categorization first half) concerning opening, as mentioned below because it is the schedule which is held, we inform
○■ Compilation of the budget was continuation of straying from beginning to end
○■ 2年目の仕分けで しいのは、自... You must judge it is difficult with the categorization of 2nd year, concerning doing personally, it is the point
○■ Prime Minister Hatoyama: [obama] president was left, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama 14 day early dawn, came to apec and in order to attend way and the Asia Pacific economic cooperative meeting (apec) summit which leave [obama] American president of Japan and China directed to Singapore and started
○■ 政府は沖ノ鳥島に 査・開発など... Government “the island” is the posture which shows the fact that is the inside and outside by the fact that base of economic activity such as investigation development is provided in open sea no Torishima
○■ Administrative renovation meeting of government (Prime Minister Yosihiko chairman Noda) on the 23rd, important policy of the country is argued last day of “proposition type policy categorization” (4th day) job did in release
○■ 小沢氏側の抗告棄 起訴議決の効... Effect stopping of complaint rejection prosecution resolution of Ozawa side. Round Supreme Court Ozawa with the complaint making clear where the slag and effect etc “of prosecution resolution” of the inquest of prosecution meeting which does the judgment which you force prosecute Ozawa are disputed in the political financial readjustment method violation incident which is related to the land transaction of financial management group “land mountain meeting” of Ichiro Democratic party original representation, the Supreme Court first small court (the plain wood Isamu President of the Court) on the 25th, the decision which rejects the complaint of the Ozawa side which requested effect stop and the like was done
○■ But in child treatment ma rgin next year half price execution, already the pledge truth after year after next. There is no revenue source, a liberal translation
○■ このような行政刷 会議による所... The entire image of public finance structure for the first time it crosses the jurisdiction government agency by this kind of administrative renovation meeting via the argument which “sticks the side 串”, floats and rises, the problematical point of role of the official which enlarges and existence etc of the policy where between of the government agencies overlaps is actualized, it probably is possible to be able to connect to the substantial annual expenditure second look at constant and the labor cost reduction decrease etc of the government employee, as a result
○■ Revenue source guaranty of business categorization” 1,012,500,000,000 Yen
Government Revitalization Unit,