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○■ 蓮舫
○■ As a performance charge, it valued Hosono of spirit of the sunrise, the lotus of the setting sun 舫 removed
○■ ところが、菅首相 中村幸一郎審... However, 菅 as for the prime minister “reshuffle” of Nakamura Koichiro deliberation official was ordered, a liberal translation
○■ In other words because [h irihiri] it hurts, the question [hu] this name was attached
○■ だからこそ自由社 では文化が一... Therefore very in free society culture blossoming simultaneously, to build luxurious gorgeous barrel culture
○■ Vis-a-vis such a Itakura, two older brothers who plan [dotsukiri] (laughing), a liberal translation
○■ そんな国だから少 化は仕方ない... Therefore such a country little child conversion is helpless
○■ Because as for that certa inly “control of the air” strengthening, politics probably will drive recklessly, a liberal translation
○■ そのような声に接 ると、私自身... When it touches to that kind of voice, I myself receive courage
○■ The report that is receiv ed opinion had become not yet totaling concerning the voice which was moved aside to the time zone such as that,, a liberal translation
○■ すなわち消費税増 を管総理が掲... Namely because tube prime minister put out consumer tax tax increase, it was defeated, it is the mistake
○■ Furthermore, in being sur prised the prime minister as many as 3 hour 11 minutes remained at Tokyo Electric Power Company, a liberal translation
○■ しかし、今の民主 の現状を見る...
○■ But, the Chinese governme nt that anxiety has done whether the home country where poverty remains from many aspects, is not to be assigned the obligation which is not desired by probably waiting for the mantle, economic power, a liberal translation
○■ しかし、どうか落 着いた行動を... But, the conduct which how settles the heart per seat [te
○■ “It becomes this year b ig turning point
○■ 週末恒例の『一口 評』... Weekend usual 'sip editorial comments'
○■ Today thin D @ Shinjuku t he [a] which entirely goes to play in mansion [kisara
○■ 菅直人首相は27 午後、原子力... 菅 Prime Minister Naoto 27th in the afternoon, newly founding atomic energy disaster charge phase, Hosono greatly informally decided the Cabinet minister personal affairs which apply the will prime minister advisor, a liberal translation
○■ The Democratic party gove rnment employee system reformation entire labor cost reformation project team (pt) on the 7th, right to strike to the national public service personnel (right to strike) the policy of recognizing grant was set
○■ 民主党は29日午後 大敗した参... The Democratic party in order 29th in the afternoon, to summarize the House of Councillors selection which wipes out, opened Assembly of the Members of both Houses of the Diet at Tokyo & Nagatacho constitutional government commemoration mansion, a liberal translation
○■ Don't you think? the Japa nese future is bright
○■ 「壊し屋」小沢の 後の舞台... “You break, the last stage of house” Ozawa's, a liberal translation
○■ 77: Name it is not it is the @ tear eye, a liberal translation
○■ 672 :名無しさん@ 涙目です... 672: Name it is not it is the @ tear eye
○■ 52: Name it is not it is @ regret: 2011/03/12 (Saturday) 23:55: 51.68 id: But /kcu7x5h0 regrettable when it was, reverse side sound [hueda] just forgot to squeeze [ro] this time is such feeling, a liberal translation
○■ 菅さんの期待して た以上の力... 菅 Above having expected, power insufficiently, as for me you are discouraged, a liberal translation
○■ The question from the Lib eral Democratic Party ended, virtue Hiroshi Kawakami of the Democratic party, became the question of Assemblyman Osamu Satoru Nakamura and at last discussion of budget member meeting the argument which seems was developed
○■ 自分はどうもこの 党を好きに... By his very this political party is not accustomed to the favorite, a liberal translation
○■ When inquiring about the news of tax evasion, you agreed upon, a liberal translation