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○■ 石原都知事も49 まではと言... However also capital Governor Ishihara will call to 49 days and high the [tsu] is probably will be, if the circumstance which cannot do the speech regarding religion the 汲 [ma] it is not, don't you think?! (Wry smile)
○■ The Democratic party puts out the fact that the revenue source where you produce with labor cost reduction and the like of the government employee is applied to the actualization of manifest policy, influence and so is even in other policy
○■ 民主・石井氏が比 ゴルフ(時... Democracy Ishii at ratio golf (current events communication/May 6th (gold) 13:9 transmissions) Ishii with fart grave, a liberal translation
○■ The branch field person you do well”, the reason which “surfacing is appraised to prime minister candidacy” it is not 2011 April 5th (the fire) 7:0 transmission news post sevens > “Lie” constitution of the 菅 Cabinet has lost proper course
○■ 明日は高山で透析 ます... Tomorrow dialyzes with the high mountain, a liberal translation
○■ The Japanese just does no t become aware
○■ 前原氏さらに10 万円15年... Front Genji furthermore 15 year 1,000,000 Yen from before above foreign donation (product 經 newspaper/September 1st (wood) 7:55 transmissions) “furthermore” (*^_^*)
○■ 今度オランダ戦で 、カステラ... This time in the Dutch game, that say how it will do the sponge cake,
○■ When in supercomputer spe ech just that verges from the world and buys the [yu] [ku] and being prompt, it will be other than human [tsu] [te] her who can do foolish blacks thing to this much? [shinjirarena] ~ [i]!
○■ まず小沢氏を排除 、前原氏を... First Ozawa will be removed, front Genji will be removed, also the thought that, the lotus whose popularity is high 舫 the Assemblyman probably will be produced to the Tokyo governor selection, means the link
○■ Well, if being praised is not margin, you say, how be good, a liberal translation
○■ なんと、素晴らし かな日本人... How, it comes splendidly, the kana Japanese!
○■ Just a little it is funny figure of speech, but, a liberal translation
○■ ちなみにすでにoda 額は3... By the way, already oda sum total exceeds 3,000,000,000,000 Yen, it is!!
○■ That anyhow included also the lotus 舫, “non Ozawa” appointment succeeding 菅 new prime minister obtained high support ratio
○■ それにしても少し が甘すぎる... Nevertheless, the air where side is too sweet a little does, a liberal translation
○■ As for the qualification such as that you think that the person whom it does not have is many
○■ この人物は、過去 脱税事件で... It is the doubtful man where this person past was arrested in the tax evasion scandal,
○■ Well -, at end of year th e shank [e
○■ いつ放送されるの しょうか?... When, it probably is to be broadcast???
○■ “The prime minister apo logizes to the citizen concerning judgment and the lie which you are wrong and should resign at once” that it resolved
○■ 「謝っちゃってる !
だから... “Thanking/apologizing [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] [ru]! Therefore being no language?!”, a liberal translation
○■ “菅 仙 valley branch field” new troika system, to governmental pitch revival Yomiuri Shimbun Company June 05th 03:08
○■ 「どうして、一番 ゃないとダ... Unless “why, most it is, it probably is useless what? It probably is second useless what?”, a liberal translation
○■ Is contingency planning o f one time necessary “in 100 years?” Speech of the Democratic party lotus 舫
○■ 産経新聞のページ 、「蓮舫氏... The fashion magazine inside the National Diet which in the page of the product sutra newspaper, “the lotus 舫 'suggestion of office work one' it withdraws, 'would like to apologize' 撮. There is an article, in reply”, a liberal translation
○■ powered by t2b, a liberal translation
○■ 10:22 寒いから仕事 に... Because the 10:22 it is cold, without wanting to appear in the work place, it is
○■ 05:07 via tweetie for mac
○■ 蓮舫さんよ!!科 技術だけで... Lotus 舫!! Not only technology, “at 2 rank it is useless even with horse racing of the world!! It must be 1 rank, it is”, a liberal translation