- Plan power failure, a liberal translation
http://yassblog.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-03-13 Furthermore even 3 hour 40 minutes Furthermore даже 3 часа 40 минут
- About two general meetings
http://blog.livedoor.jp/analyst_zaiya777/archives/52042088.html Furthermore, that with the one fishing of Councilor our people, it shook the foot of our people, although it was exhilaration, intraparty, including the media, it made the remote cause of the political situation stupor Furthermore, то с одним рыболовством Councilor наши люди, оно сотрясало ногу наших людей, хотя было exhilaration, intraparty, включая средства, оно сделало отдаленную причину политического ступора ситуации
- kan hasassato jinin �� giin jishoku shiro
http://iwaiwa.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/post-e0f2.html Furthermore, in being surprised the prime minister as many as 3 hour 11 minutes remained at Tokyo Electric Power Company, a liberal translation Furthermore, в быть удивленным премьер-министру так много по мере того как 3 часа 11 минута остали на компании электричества Токио
- You disturb??
http://ameblo.jp/98b69/entry-10832859856.html Furthermore, in being surprised the prime minister as many as 3 hour 11 minutes remained at Tokyo Electric Power Company, a liberal translation Furthermore, в быть удивленным премьер-министру так много по мере того как 3 часа 11 минута остали на компании электричества Токио
Lien Fang , Reportage, Politics ,