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○■ 政府は昨年11月 tppこうし... As government does and is attached and the November last year, tpp like this the [yo] sea urchin decides “the start of conference of related country” from the viewpoint which “opens the country”, the fact that “domestic reformation is promoted in advance” was set forth in 3 fields “of movement “regulation reformation” “of agriculture” person”
○■ Because administrative re novation meeting loses the wastefulness of budget estimate demand for next year it has meant to do “business categorization” 447 businesses as an object, a liberal translation
○■ 行政刷新会議 が行 う 事業... While the business categorization which administrative renovation meeting does (the [ji] [gi] [yo] [u] doing and whether or not reason), guaranteeing the transparency to the citizen at the time of taking a second look the national budget, on the basis of the actual condition on of site of budget execution, in the first place business necessity as it judges, assures the device of the revenue source, it is something which extracts future topic concerning policy, the system and organization etc, (wikipedia), a liberal translation
○■ Leading technology one af ter another to reduction “technology establishment” somewhere with 1st round of the business categorization by administrative renovation meeting, the case which recognizes leading technology such as the next generation supercomputer and rocket development “wastefulness” continued
○■ 16日の行政刷新 議「事業... In the job of administrative renovation meeting “business categorization” on the 16th, the Kansai airport (the or less Seki sky) the subsidy until role allotment of the Seki sky becomes clear, was judged that it should freeze,
○■ tvcm of ●ur city mechanism
○■ ◆なお、下記のh に日刊建設工... * Furthermore, the title list and the like of the article of the daily constructive industrial newspaper has come out in below-mentioned hp
○■ * * * * * 2011/12/16 days (gold) * * * * * 096 Ryugasaki nt dragon facility site inside Oka, in enterprise collection candidacy area additional publication (building newspaper) 097 Facility site inside area around Honjo Waseda station, transfer person collection (building newspaper) 098 3 apartment complexes of Machida city, stock application plan examination (building newspaper) 099 Deterioration apartment complex rebuilding propulsion such as Yutaka four seasons apartment complex, “little child aging model” proposition ([hujisankeibijinesuai]) 100 Reformation plan essence presentation, existence waste judgment 3 - 5 years of the German method (the Japanese economic newspaper) 101 At 276 businesses of 8 German method ahead order exerted from above opacity contract (the Yomiuri Shimbun Company), a liberal translation
○■ (2010年11月26日00... (2010 November 26th 00:25 Yomiuri Shimbun Company) concerning this urgent proposition, it has been recorded before the public information page of the University of Tokyo
○■ Taro Liberal Democratic P arty Kono, it is pond Akira from Japan Communist Party
○■ 先日の行政刷新会 事業仕分け... When it is hospital centralized area “of strengthening improvement of [gabanansu] and the national capital region etc which becomes reduction of business scale”, as the conclusion where national hospital mechanism is categorized with administrative renovation meeting business categorization of the other day reducing business scale, excessively, perhaps, influence does not appear, but if it goes to the district, when the national hospital has formed the regional core hospital, it is and “reduction of business scale” is good as expected unconditionally, whether or not is, area of medical care. It does not become the cutoff or, from the categorization person who is in such it becomes matter of concern “as for the allowance of the doctor although there is no either retirement lump sum grant cheaply, the clerical staff is high”, that before thinking that the hermitage main thing and the teacher of many doctors are the same opinion, you spoke this case which has indication even with entry but office work
○■ Being some authority in t his categorization? As for the result without being the waiting of compilation of the budget of end of year? Even with the categorization which two times was done so far, like the it is not executed?
○■ 「事業仕分けで極 マニュアル... “With business categorization point of view of strictly confidential manual = financial affairs ministry teaching” (current events communication)
○■ (Quotation it ends) (the October 8th Asahi newspaper), a liberal translation
○■ 首相は今回のよう 事業仕分け... As for the prime minister the business categorization the latest way has conveyed the idea of making limited to this year
○■ The way of economic [onch i] of the Democratic party administration became clear, a liberal translation
○■ 事業仕分けは、予 圧縮に向け... As for business categorization, directing to budget compression, member of the Diet and the private intellectual people categorization person, the business item which each ministry and board requires via the eye outside, “in the financial affairs ministry the point of view which is not” (branch field Yukio working group generalization) with the mechanism which is checked
○■ The Liberal Democratic Pa rty [maniyuhuesuto] politician and the staff staff etc take the initiative, 2 tenths reduce the entire labor cost of the national public service personnel
○■ 政治判断を伴う大
きな事業の... Administrative renovation meeting contracts the washing finish of the big business which accompanies political judgment, the financial affairs economical budget bureau takes charge usual assessment,
○■ Ozawa recently “it is n on poll re-election”, you said around, a liberal translation
○■ 来年度予算要求を 直す政府の行... To 3 groups such as the 25th and the Japanese Olympic commission which dispatches the player to Olympics (joc) player strengthening expense of approximately 2,700,000,000 Yen which is required the subsidy 3,200,000,000 Yen of total was reduced with business categorization of administrative renovation meeting of the government which takes a second look next year budget requirement
○■ Administrative renovation meeting of government (Prime Minister chairman Hatoyama) on the 16th, wastefulness is investigated from estimate demand for 2010 budget, you worked the 4th day of “business categorization,” at the gymnasium for the national printing bureau staff of Tokyo Ichigaya “abolition”, “budget appropriation waived” with decided 6 businesses and
○■ 行政刷新会議のワ キンググルー... The working group of administrative renovation meeting it has gone, with “business categorization” job, “objection” came out of the minister of state after all, a liberal translation
○■ - If in the town, your Re naissance house is searched,… Description below national capital region area Description below Kansai area
○■ しかし、17日の 道には裏切... But, the thinking which is betrayed did in reporting 17 days
○■ Prime Minister Yukio Hato yama (62) on the 12th, inside capital and visited 4 places such as small and medium-sized business and welfare institution of Chiba prefecture energetically
○■ 日本国民が知るべ ニュースが沢... Although the news which the Japanese citizen should know is Sawayama it does not try to announce, a liberal translation
○■ The television how large please conceals disadvantageous information in the Democratic party, hides in that shade and views the natural shape of the Democratic party which rages
○■ 11月7日のニュース ... News November 7th, a liberal translation
○■ In order to be able to pr ocure information simply even in the person who does not have time, you try to try gathering news, a liberal translation
Government Revitalization Unit,