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○■ 仕分け人側も民間 を雇っている... Because also categorization human side has employed the civilian, it is the expectation also explanatory side may ask the reinforcements steadily
○■ There is an up-to-date im portant news of Sawayama's on the net
○■ 最近の面白いtvニ ースに... There is business categorization in recent funny tv news, the politician bureaucratic intellectual person as business of the country concerning the budget item amount of next year. No the administrative renovation meeting member it is open discussing focusing on
○■ 2010 January 13th (water) 19:8 transmission Yomiuri Shimbun Company
○■ 政府行政刷新会議 事業仕分け作... Hiroya Uchida who appears in actual place of business categorization job of government administrative renovation meeting, a liberal translation
○■ Tag: Administrative renov ation meeting business categorization Japanese Olympic commission mizuno
○■ 政府は6日午前、 金の無駄遣... Government 6th morning, for squander removal of tax, all administration is taken a second look, “administrative renovation meeting” (Prime Minister chairman Hatoyama) the member was announced, a liberal translation
○■ The hermitage which good morning is it is main, a liberal translation
○■ 事業仕分けは悪っ 事はない... The [tsu] where first half game of business categorization ends it is
○■ It is 仙 valley minister of state of administrative renovation minister of state, a liberal translation
○■ 民主党はどうなっ いるの枝野... As for the Democratic party how has become the branch field to freeze the dormitory, Kamikaze moves to cancellation with, a liberal translation
○■ Government follows to ind ependent administrative corporate body, executes also the business categorization of public-service corporation late to May
○■ 10数分ニュースを してデパ地... Letting flow over 10 minute news, you don't think that the [depa] underground, the large family, the Chinese noodles, sport and the entertainment etc etc it is strange? Although the news which the Japanese citizen should know is Sawayama it does not try to announce
○■ You expect to the future participation of everyone who studies business categorization enthusiastically
○■ 行政刷新会議関係 は「民主党... As for the administrative renovation meeting authorized personnel “becoming the Democratic party administration, 1 years passed, a liberal translation
○■ It is the standpoint of a dministrative renovation meeting Assemblyman who generalizes business categorization don't you think?, a liberal translation
○■ 行政刷新会議事務 のホームペ... From data collection of the administrative renovation meeting executive office home page, it can download the data
Government Revitalization Unit,