- Administrative renovation meeting, new investment of public works projects “harsh control”
http://yn913.at.webry.info/201111/article_58.html Administrative renovation meeting of government, with ideal way of medium long-term public works projects, controlled new investment harshly entering the job of proposition type policy categorization, in order to advance “selection and centralization”, requested, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- , a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/hozhg/entry-10544961096.html At the designated course business which is picked up in the government administrative renovation meeting “business categorization” 2nd feature latter half game,, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Annuity, from next year reduction thick labor phase “3 years to spend”, exception cancellation
http://zxb07436.cocolog-nifty.com/diary/2011/11/post-2c11.html Administrative renovation meeting of government with “proposition type policy categorization” of 23 days, concerning the pension scheme, without being linked annuity provision amount with fall in price cancelled the exception measure which is left, in order to reduce from 2012, requested, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kodomogenki/e/4b5bbfcd79efaca3125149ece34792ee With proposition type policy categorization of 21 days, necessity of improvement of international popular use power and the second look etc at computation standard of the operational cost grant were included as directivity of university reformation, “the way itself of the system is taken a second look drastically”, that were done concerning the legal course graduate school, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/dreamupworld/e/ce34db58225e87b22b76023dd5529f89 Administrative renovation meeting of government has done “proposition type policy categorization” Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- ; 8 business” abolition” &JICA substantial reduction decreases, ; Equivalent of South Korean man 554 application
Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- 思いやり予算
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/yuukityann/diary/200911270004/ Administrative renovation meeting (Prime Minister Yukio chairman Hatoyama) of government 26th in the afternoon, investigates the wastefulness of 2010 budget estimate request, the job “business categorization” latter half 3rd was continued Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- 仕分け作業現場に現れたロックンローラー
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/minglemangle/e/b60c91440639ee4baf1c8b45eff48639 Hiroya Uchida who appears in actual place of business categorization job of government administrative renovation meeting, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- 事業仕分け スパコン「事実上凍結」…世界一でなくていい
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/jean_lucpicard1/30415325.html Administrative renovation meeting of government with business categorization of 13 days, was accustomed to piercing “the substantial reduction decrease of budget” in the next generation supercomputer which from technicality height “the sacred precincts” is defined so far even inside government Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
Government Revitalization Unit, Politics ,