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    Government Revitalization Unit,

    Politics related words MIC Cabinet Office Democratic Party Ministry of Finance Regime change Pledges Political leadership Hatoyama Cabinet established 鳩山総理 Administrative reform Administrative reform Lien Fang

    • 日本人の為のテレビが隠しそうなニュース 12/8
      Prime Minister Hatoyama, formally from the 9th secretariat Director attendance plain Hirohumi when in press conference of after the Cabinet conference of the 8th morning, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama visits Indonesia from 9 days, announced to the Indonesian visit = Bali democracy forum, a liberal translation
      从第9个秘书处主任出勤平原Hirohumi的总理Hatoyama,正式地,当在第8个早晨的内阁会议以后新闻招待会,总理Yukio Hatoyama访问从9天的印度尼西亚,宣布对印度尼西亚参观=巴厘岛民主论坛

    • 「事業仕分け」が支持率低下を防いだか?
      Prime Minister Hatoyama “this problem (secret expense) it does not touch”, that shows passive attitude, and as for plain secretariat director the existence of secretariat secret expense “it has not consented”, that does and others tries finishing, the person who relates to the draft of the secret expense publication bill which the Democratic party submits to the National Diet in opposition party age of 01 years “taking administration when, thinking of thing,” when with you think of that among other things it is advised from staff of the Democratic party, the [a] it is to do, the citizen whether it is not to do the big mistake cast on that August 30th also, you think, a liberal translation
      总理Hatoyama “它不接触”的这个问题(秘密费用),那显示被动态度,和至于为简单的秘书处主任秘书处秘密费用的存在“它未同意”,做,并且其他设法完成,与秘密费用出版物票据的草稿关系的人哪些民主党递交给全国饮食在“采取管理的01年的反对党年龄,当,认为事”,当与您认为那时从民主党的职员尤其被劝告, [a]它是做,公民它是否不是做 在那8月也熔铸的大差错30日,您认为

    • 「万事トントン」
      In secretariat director who is the wife part of the prime minister, being discovered around, after all there is the association where is not good, it is”

    • 日本人の為のテレビが隠しそうなニュース 11/13
      Prime Minister Hatoyama: [obama] president was left, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama 14 day early dawn, came to apec and in order to attend way and the Asia Pacific economic cooperative meeting (apec) summit which leave [obama] American president of Japan and China directed to Singapore and started
      总理Hatoyama : [obama]总统被留下,总理Yukio Hatoyama 14天早黎明,来了到apec,并且按顺序,当[obama]时日本和中国的美国总统被留下,出席会议的亚太经济合作会议(apec)指挥了到新加坡并且开始了

    • (σ゜Д゜)σゲッチユ!!新聞
      Prime Minister Hatoyama “the fact that by economic potential it can make a foolish mistake Japan in China naturally” Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama on the 12th, the Asia Pacific economic cooperative meeting (apec) according to the interview of the Singaporean newspaper publishing company and the like where summit is held, “(Japan) in China to be able to make a foolish mistake by economic potential, it is proper calling from size of population,
      总理Hatoyama “由经济潜力它在第12可能自然地做一个愚蠢的错误日本在中国”总理Yukio Hatoyama的事实,根据新加坡报纸出版公司的采访等等亚太经济合作会议(apec)的地方会议举行, “(日本)在的中国能由经济潜力,它犯一个愚蠢的错误是适当叫从人口的大小,

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