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○■ ただ訴えた側の「 意」だけし... “Malice” the side which was appealed simply only feeling, the shank, a liberal translation
○■ But, the achievement is l arge
○■ これだけ外交や国 で失態を演... Just this playing mistake in diplomacy and the national government, you can call “dispersion”, probably will be?, a liberal translation
○■ Until it comes here, it h eld an additional post also many works and, it was possible to stack various experiences,
○■ いずれにしろ、こ 発端は 「... In any case, “Junichiro Koizumi” the air which is does this beginning
○■ 菅 Prime Minister Naoto examines October Chinese visit -, a liberal translation
○■ 『菅』か『オザワ しかいない... '?''菅 [ozawa]' only it is, it is? '菅' The [a], it does not become applying, it is?
○■ Great victory with of “ postal services election”
○■ 「日記」カテゴリ 最新記事... The up-to-date article eldest daughter “of diary” category, with bare life, returned from Awazi, in it starts “the person who one person each time remains in heart and loves,” “is pleasant… About overestimation, it drives any dangerous things to the Shikoku ancestor/founder valley which is not, there are times when the pre- mortar is good in great thing absurdity, as expected
○■ But <, it is not permi tted that it makes the flow with special care of 2 large political parties administration alternation age go backward,
○■ 朝日新聞も7月25日 1社説... Also the Asahi newspaper July 25th 1st editorial < how moves diplomacy/Japan-U.S. alliance of the Democratic party > with, had written the kind of story which everyday is similar to newspaper editorial
○■ In Japanese-Chinese-relat ed history it is not unprecedented for Japanese prime minister to show directly the intention of visit to China after the inaugurating,
○■ ・・・山崎ちゃん
サンヨリ... … Yamazaki sun twist, a liberal translation
○■ With being the case that it is said, as for the printer of the factory the ink is cut off, not be able to start the printer of the bakery, everything rests
○■ ちょっとその一部 下に貼って... Just a little it will keep pasting the part of that under
○■ But, presently as for Kat uya's Okada reputation, 菅 the extent which is a match to Naoto awfully is
○■ しかし、政治的・ 済的な「内... But, political as for economic “foreign intervention in domestic affairs”, stopping, we would like to receive, a liberal translation
○■ As for Hatoyama, in regar d to the standpoint of the same party which opposes to special 措 method, “there is no intention we changing standpoint,” that it emphasized, a liberal translation
○■ 小泉純一郎総理の 時、政調の... It related in 2004 as a legislation of house members at the time of the National Diet submitting, it connected to the enactment of food growth fundamental law at that time of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, as a food growth committee member of governmental pitch, name as the one of proposition Assemblymen, a liberal translation
○■ On the one hand it doesn' t mean that the Liberal Democratic Party submits the question criticism resolution and nonconfidence motion to the group of Cabinet ministers even in tomorrow? With it is said
○■ 2005年の郵政民営化 選挙の... The case of postal services commercialization election 2005, the commercialization bill was approved at the House of Representatives, was rejected with August 8th House of Councillors, a liberal translation
○■ Enkakuji planned with lin k of “summer lecture”, as for the lecturer of this day 3 total
○■ つまり日本には基 的に 2... In other words as for 2 large parties it does not take root basically in Japan, a liberal translation
○■ Vis-a-vis this, objection appears, a liberal translation
○■ 麻生首相は勝敗ラ ンの明言を避... Prime Minister Aso has avoided the declaration of the victory or defeat line, a liberal translation
○■ As for the Liberal Democr atic Party because it crashes with election, large alliance immediately after is unreasonable, a liberal translation
○■ 自民党が慎重姿勢 転じた理由は... The reason where the Liberal Democratic Party changed to prudent attitude is listed three largely, a liberal translation
○■ Hatoyama Yukio representa tion and others of the Democratic party on the 15th, the reporter interviews in Niigata prefecture Nagaoka city, announces formally
○■ 日本の政治はどう ようもないか... Because how it will do Japanese politics it is not, as for this the official of the emperor. Unless you must maintain with the group
○■ The politician safety of his own body compared to for the citizen, is something which is wanted exhausting all power because of nation