- Japanese weblog
http://hakusanjin.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/07/201023-5c78.html <Those where Pyongyang takes interest in that sense with the Democratic party administration Ozawa simply are 1 people, a liberal translation <те куда Пхеньян принимает интерес в том смысле с администрацией Ozawa Демократической партии просто 1 люд
- 衆院選公示当日の09年8月18日の各紙社説を比較する~あ、あ、朝日は民主の応援団、産経新聞は自民党、旗幟鮮明はいいことなのか?
http://hakusanjin.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/08/09818-bff1.html But <, it is not permitted that it makes the flow with special care of 2 large political parties administration alternation age go backward, Но
- 民主党の外交政策について09年7月25日朝刊各紙社説、続き物を読む~毎日新聞、朝日新聞、読売新聞、日経新聞
http://hakusanjin.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/07/09725-4574.html But <, “following” criticism hung on in toward America attitude of former government & the ruling party Но
- 立花隆氏はどんな日本の将来をイメージしているのか?~朝日新聞5月13日朝刊寄稿を読んで
http://hakusanjin.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/05/513-e531.html But <, with this as for the Democratic party being able to recover?, a liberal translation Но
Koizumi Junichiro, Politics ,