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○■ 小沢一郎氏は その 提案もひっ... Ichiro Ozawa the [hi] [tsu] including also the proposition, administration agreement with the opposition party is assured in order to alternate
○■ As for the popularity art icle lily of this [burogu] pipe explosion of the back hoe which exceeds the 16℃ 4 where 2 these stocks it has done to stand respectively:30, a liberal translation
○■ 自民党をぶっ壊す 明言してい... Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi whom you have declared that the Liberal Democratic Party the [bu] [tsu] is broken,
○■ The Democratic party come s again separating with good grace, from
○■ 自民党は永らえた は思えない... And others you obtained with you cannot think the Liberal Democratic Party long, a liberal translation
○■ But at the Koizumi Junich iro Cabinet, Makiko boom, with postal services election chill drain created, now Ozawa [garuzu], will she how probably become?
○■ 小泉純一郎氏が引 した時は残... When Junichiro Koizumi retires, however it was regrettable, Sinzirou's in the future to be tremendous the pleasure it is to be [atashi
○■ Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi (at that time) 'you looked at certain evidence,' the American Iraqi war was boosted in one word
○■ 民主党には、日本 国益を損な... The [ma] [tsu] in the Democratic party which desires the fact that it collapses without impairing the Japanese national interest, you question to the Democratic party, we want starting the political party of the maintenance which is done, securely to the people of maintenance, is, (or we want removing “treason power” from the Democratic party, is)
○■ The uncle of former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi it is and properly it is the friend
○■ 小泉純一郎元総理 臣による郵政... The postal services dispersion by Prime Minister former Junichiro Koizumi it is fixed being, dimension is different