- original letters
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/goodmiwatya/e/ebe64fe98eeb12cdc604004336de8ea5 As the opposite horse to the prime minister, you belong to the Hatoyama group, Wan Li member of the house of representatives Kaieda who is close to also Ozawa shows desire, but whether really it can run, “the boss (Ozawa) intention circumstance” (the Ozawa group young man) with it may become 作为对总理的相反马,您属于Hatoyama小组,是接近Ozawa展示也渴望,但是众院的苍白李成员Kaieda它是否可能真正地跑,它也许成为“上司(Ozawa)的意图情况” (Ozawa小组年轻人)
- Three help which designate the bath as the hot water relax at the hot spring
http://ameblo.jp/statesgrow/entry-10606298439.html When the prime minister group before the Hatoyama (approximately 60 people) executive committee criticism is spreading even in, both groups are centered, “counter 菅” combination is possible, observation has come out 当在Hatoyama (大约60个人)时执行委员会批评之前的总理小组传播甚而,两个小组被集中, “逆菅”组合是可能的,观察出来了
- 8日 日経225 9,420.75 前日比-227.04
http://ameblo.jp/aaasanoiku/entry-10295683510.html The Hatoyama office “has left to the law office concerning the correspondence of contribution problem,”, that it did, as for the law office “the attorney being absent, it cannot correspond” it said Hatoyama办公室“听任关于贡献问题书信的律师事务所”,它,作为律师事务所的“是的律师缺席的,它不可能对应”它说
- 埋没していく……日本
http://ameblo.jp/statesgrow/entry-10310409191.html As for Hatoyama, in regard to the standpoint of the same party which opposes to special 措 method, “there is no intention we changing standpoint,” that it emphasized, a liberal translation 关于Hatoyama,关于反对特别措方法同一个党的立场, “没有意图我们改变的立场”,那它强调了
Koizumi Junichiro, Politics ,