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○■ これくらいの価格 と失敗して... When it is price of this extent, failing, because the shock is not large, also pressure being small, it is something which challenges to the clematis which is suitable in me and as for time of building this 1st grade seedling fails well
○■ It is this flower color a nd royal purple, but when it blooms and advances red comes out somewhat, a liberal translation
○■ この子はご飯をし かり食べる... This child eats the boiled rice securely
○■ おはようございま ^^ うち... Good morning, this year inside the ^^ which is just purchased also being disclosed…When the air was pulled out, it had become the silk sheath and the close friend, (laughing) we had decided to raise in the flowerpot although, every, yet it does not decide the place and it does under the [te] eaves hurting…
○■ 'The clematis (the pinwhe el)' ([kinpouge] course, [senninsou] being attached) the quantity of the petal as for 6 “the wire”, as for those 8 calls “the pinwheel”, so is, a liberal translation
○■ 「雨に濡れても」 いうと、映... “Getting wet to the rain,” when with you say, “toward movie tomorrow facing shoot” as a theme song with famous tune the shank
○■ クープ・デベとク マチス・ダッ... Coupe developer and clematis duchess of [ejinhara, a liberal translation
Japanese Topics about Clematis, Nature, Avocation, ...
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