- The clematis which is defeated ([berandagadeningu])
http://kazuo-okz.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/08/post-14e2.html When this clematis increases the number of flowers in the same way as the other clematis…With already it is delusion state Cuando este clematis aumenta el número de flores de la misma forma que el otro clematis… con él es ya estado de la falsa ilusión
- [sapuraizu] of fall!
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/junhanapi2325/e/7de3bf23bfb00a993def7dc35ea8781d This [kurema] the [te] flower blooming not to become aware completely for the first time “the [u] [wa] - - - - ♪” [tsu] [te] surprise, the ^^, a liberal translation Esto [kurema] la flor [del te] que florece para no hacer totalmente por primera vez “enterado [u] [wa] - - - - ♪” [tsu] [te] sorpresa, el ^^
- Bee of green and [kotsuka] of lead-lead
http://fayun.blog69.fc2.com/blog-entry-558.html The green bowl [be] [e] of this clematis persevered El tazón de fuente verde [sea] [e] de este clematis perseveró
- Pansy, viola and [tetsusen] ......And Christmas rose, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/west1019village/62902384.html There is one kind, [tetsusen] in this clematis it is, a liberal translation Hay una clase, [tetsusen] en este clematis que es
Clematis, Nature, Avocation,