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○■ 来年も、再来年も に想いなが... Next year and year after next thinking in heart while and, while some oak and others acting, don't you think? with everyone just a little each it will keep making Japan vigorous, the ♪
○■ 昨日の朝8時過ぎ 御嶽山・・... Morning the 嶽 mountain past of 8 o'clock of yesterday… as for weather the downhill, however somehow all scene sees, the [re] [te, a liberal translation
○■ 先日のクレマチス ビクトリア... Lately a little in clematis Victoria and [pikarudei] of the other day, furthermore the ♪ where 2 types bloom
○■ As for the potted plant w hich this year is bought as for the photograph which has been attached to the pot it is eightfold, a liberal translation
○■ 今シーズンは つる バラ がパ... This season the chord rose the kana which reaches was desired observation to near the pergola top but, still standing on tiptoe, it is in a state where it does not reach (when here is clicked, you can view last third the circumstances of of May of last year)
○■ The wire of pink type orc hid ([tetsusen]) the difference of clematis and [tetsusen] was the quantity of the petal, probably will be? When this was taken, it had had the circulation board, in the small mother who seems “blooming even in this, the [ru] [wa], [tetsusen]” at the other way entrance, a liberal translation
○■ ピンクカサブラン が終わった... After pink Casablanca ends, Casablanca of the white which starts blooming, a liberal translation
○■ Furthermore cheerful of t he rose and the Kashiwa leaf hydrangea etc the flower ending, now completely green has become many
○■ もっと葉ぶりがよ なるはずで... It is the expectation where more the way of the leaf becomes good
○■ たくさんの植物を 理するのは... As for managing the many plants
○■ So, so [ritsuku] it was t o dissolve it went to also the hospital, but weight of how [ritsuku] after half year reaches at last 1.6 kilometers and does is, a liberal translation
○■ いろんなお花のア ンジメント... Furthermore be it is, arrangement of the flower! (Laughing)
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