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○■ Yesterday the 柴 island (the stripe) the passing of the cherry tree went to seeing in the [ku], but ratio of the leaf cherry tree was rather many depending upon the place…
Osaka Tenma
○■ “The passing of the che rry tree of famous mint” extremely just one time… it is unprecedented before to come to the fall,, a liberal translation
○■ The hillock temple (like this is to be, [ji])
The hillock temple (like this is to be, [ji]) Rosaceae [the Osaka mint: The passing of the cherry tree being similar] with the cherry tree which is the entryway of 2010/04/17 Kyoto capital east hillock temple, as for the flower pale crimson white, as for the number of petals it is the cherry tree of 10 - 15 elegant large flowers, a liberal translation
○■ Walking to the Tenma brid ge, while [inobun] of the city mall of the capital teasing 阪 and unlabeled, buying the album the brooch, it went to the passing of the cherry tree of mint that way
○■ Tenma at the extent which just a little goes to the passing of the cherry tree of mint, having Torii, saw for the first time in the arcade of the shopping center where it does not have the fact that you saw thoroughly
○■ At the company being invi ted, being born, because the eightfold cherry tree which goes to the passing of the cherry tree of mint for the first time, there was baggage which is clean, however it approached and as for the road it was not possible, next year going to also the float which is many around, the ♪ which is like
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