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○■ 移設問題
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○■ 鳩山首相は16日 後6時過ぎ... As for Prime Minister Hatoyama 16th past 6 o'clock in the afternoon, “every day, in the media, as for me it isn't to should judge more calmly vis-a-vis the various place names and the like which always are not fact having appeared?”, that you expressed
○■ The Democratic party argu es, whether or not it includes in the manifest of House of Councillors selection concerning consumer tax tax increase, but you do not have to include,, a liberal translation
○■ 普天間基地移設問 について、... Concerning Futenma base transfer of facilities problem, nationwide governor meeting was done in a way, emergency summons, a liberal translation
○■ And overstraining, it opp oses
○■ いずれの問題につ てもカギと... Those where it becomes the key concerning each problem, are whether or not you can obtain the agreement of the citizen,
○■ (08/2319: 17 NHK news), a liberal translation
○■ ・▼
おめでとう、 about... * You question with the [me], about - - it is Ganba even from this -
○■ As for Prime Minister Hat oyama on the 16th, with assembly of the local Hokkaido support person, transfer of facilities problem of the Okinawa Futenma base “itself becoming first interest thing of the citizen is moving too much the media, you think that is,” that you spoke
○■ 鳩山さんも菅さん そこがよく分... Hatoyama also 菅 it doesn't mean that there does not understand well?
○■ The “Japanese citizen it is stipulated as for the Liberal Democratic Party and Japan Communist Party etc as a condition 党員
○■ 沖縄県民よりも米 を優先するの... It has made foolish” that the Okinawan compared to the United States is preferred, that it was angry
○■ “It has submitting,” Okinawa base burden is, a liberal translation
○■ 沖縄の人達は感じ 居るかも知れ... As for the Okinawa people feeling, know it is whether it stays,, a liberal translation
○■ The attitude which oppose s to 3 party agreements which designate the revaluation of Democratic party [maniyuhuesuto] as a condition was firmly maintained
○■ 応援している about チー... Official [burogu] of about team which you have supported has started, a liberal translation
○■ Today is Monday of the do ctor being related to, reservation of the internal medicine, after that, in your another doctor and are to be good at tomorrow, but when it moves to the morning of day of work, because you become tired, -
○■ 今年は去年に比べ ば少し状態は... Don't you think?, this year if you compare to last year, a little perhaps, state [mashi] how kana -
○■ Without being let flow by public opinion, if the thing public opinion which lives has made one by one the air which is cruel, -
○■ もちろん、発足前 鳩山政権にこ... Of course, there was this problem consciousness in Hatoyama administration before the starting
○■ How, about is victory, - (.??? .) You question with the [me], about - - it is Ganba even from this -
○■ つまり、4勝に4 は上積み出来... In other words, as for four upper load it probably completes being, 1 human Ku are 8 victories the base in 4 victories
○■ Also Prime Minister Hatoy ama is sticky nevertheless well
○■ そうそう、月末に 新車が届くよ... So, so, the payment kind of particulars where the new model car reaches reached in end of the month, it is high, is; ; The new model car and medieval times you call shortage of goods with earthquake disaster, or don't you think? it seems that is not - yesterday, you ended the inclination being packed
○■ In regard to this unless already you must study a little, don't you think?
○■ この演奏も、メト ライブ録音の... At this performance and is very from the series of live sound recording of [meto] to be cheap, don't you think? it is something where performance are good -
○■ As for this tune first as for of course remaining in the memory which you have not remembered whether you inquire about someone's performance, it probably is performance of performance, [rubinshiyutain], [hurunie] and Schelling of the bush sibling and the [zerukin] teacher and performance etc of the [suku] trio to that?-, a liberal translation
○■ 普天間移設問題に いては北沢防... Defensive Minister of State Kitazawa has grasped the key of balance concerning Futenma transfer of facilities problem, because those where it has the expert knowledge which because can judge the importance with respect to Futenma's security are just the defensive ministry
○■ As for country anti- head secondary Chairman Kiyoshi the Liberal Democratic Party Hamada in press conference of 27 days, “as for mismatch inside the clear official building you have not seen to here concerning the corporation people party deciding the signature denial in the Cabinet conference to government coping policy in regard to the US military Futenma airport transfer of facilities problem,