- Truth of truth = [naichiya] [mea
http://ameblo.jp/hebipaku/entry-10829268396.html The Okinawa people are the expert of the cheating and the shaking for the Japanese government”, you said, a liberal translation La gente de Okinawa es el experto del engaño y la sacudida para el gobierno japonés”, usted dijo
- Futenma transfer of facilities problem is the reduced drawing of Japanese politics
http://meimai.cocolog-nifty.com/twgt/2011/05/post-f181.html Because being too indolent, you cannot cultivate the Okinawa person, a liberal translation Porque siendo demasiado indolente, usted no puede cultivar a la persona de Okinawa
- Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/metosera/e/0d286f23e570a7bdd61b96fac2d9b428 In order to obtain understanding of the Okinawa people, we would like to exhaust all power”, that it emphasizes, a liberal translation Para obtener la comprensión de la gente de Okinawa, quisiéramos agotar toda la energía”, que acentúa
- weblog title
http://xo1948.at.webry.info/201005/article_22.html As for the Okinawa people feeling, know it is whether it stays,, a liberal translation En cuanto a la sensación de la gente de Okinawa, sepa que es si permanece,
- Japanese talking
http://asahisyougun.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1755839/ The Okinawa people the case of the Pacific war which emperor following power causes, have cut the history of the hardships where 120,000 person kills in the Okinawa game in heart, a liberal translation La gente de Okinawa el caso de la guerra del Pacífico que la energía de siguiente del emperador causa, ha cortado la historia de las dificultades donde 120.000 matanzas de la persona en el juego de Okinawa en corazón
- [obama] “you encourage” and - Hatoyama attacks in dispersion general election,
http://island.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1555262/ Mixing the Okinawa person and the bottom of the heart knee, there is no courage and a spirit which you speak”, that you criticized severely Mezclando la persona de Okinawa y la parte inferior de la rodilla del corazón, no hay valor y un alcohol que usted habla”, que usted criticó seriamente
Relocation problem, Politics ,