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○■ しかし、肝心の直 では前が開か... But, the development which in the essential straight line front does not open and is plugged, a liberal translation
○■ (Now sunrise running) the [motsutonareba] male 4 year old 3 game 2 victory under 10,000,000 ([dabisutarion] Ã [igeru]) being even, it increases, sign but 2 keeper air
○■ 2着のレッドディ イアは、本... As for [retsudodeizaia] 2, directing to the production, with the impression where difference of framework order of the horse body and the victory horse which somewhat have room echoed the shank, a liberal translation
○■ Fall bloom prize trial! O saka and Kobe! The 27th Kansai television broadcasting prize [rozusutekusu] (g2) suite tweet the s horse, the broadcloth street, with the record high prize first conquest! Ouka prize & Oaks 2 horse, [retsudodeizaia], even here 2 arrivals! 10 keeper air, [kudegureisu] and 3 arrivals! Queen of 3 year old sand, [ravuerita] and 13 arrivals
○■ 皐月賞馬アンライ ルド(牡3... Satuki prize horse [anraibarudo] (male 3 father: [neoyunivuasu]), triumph march of Satuki prize 2 arrival horse (male 3 father: Special weak), [seiunwanda] (male 3 father: [gurasuwanda]), [rojiyunivuasu] (male 3 father: [neoyunivuasu]), jaw cappuccino (male 3 father: The Manhattan coffee) and the like comes to popularity higher rank, probably will be
○■ このレースもただ 重賞だったが... Also this race/lace was simply high prize, but it was recognized g3 finally at 3rd year
○■ In any case the chrysanth emum, jc, you call Arima with harsh [rote] you probably cannot desire good running, a liberal translation
○■ ローズキングダム 出走取り消し... Rose kingdom for starting running cancellation, the axis after all [buenabisuta] kana? Three reams which entwine [vuikutowarupisa], [perusa], [retsudodeizaia] and [dorimujiyani] being single, as for end from now when feeling well it probably goes it is in buying and is dense, a liberal translation
○■ As for betting ticket wit h horse connected 3 daily doubles①③⑦⑧⑨⑭You have a match in the box total 35 point!, a liberal translation
○■ やっぱりと言うか
残念なニ... After all, you say, or it is regrettable news
○■ “It depends on [buenabi suta] & [retsudodeizaia], 'new mare 2 meaning story' like thing strongly,” it has been about to mound, but so not to be society we want showing simple,, a liberal translation
○■ ワイドサファイア 能力的には... The wide sapphire ability as connected lower standard marks, risk of present condition and the transport where immaturity of disposition is conspicuous is large
○■ You could not buy [jierum inaru] excessively, it is, but well 1 arrivals of last year were 15, it is with it was the [tsu] [te] feeling, a liberal translation
○■ ◎10 コスモネモシ
○1... ◎10 [kosumonemoshin] 13 toe plug jaw Don ▲7 [mainerusutari] △6 king Top Gun △8 [retsudodeizaia, a liberal translation
○■ レッドディザイア
3単フォ... You thought that [retsudodeizaia] it won, but it is,…
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