- 当たらない競馬予想:日本ダービー - 夢編倶楽部 何でも掲示板 NEO
http://loritakaidou.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-12-01-1 The iron it thrusts, the ~! 280: Umatarou: 2009/05/10 (day) 18:01: 52 [ho] it is the scale it is in the [ma] the [wa] [a]! How, it does, the ~! 281: Umatarou: 2009/05/23 (Saturday) 22:16: The vodka [me] [tsu] [chi] [ya] of 15 last week it was strong, a liberal translation O ferro que empurra, o ~! 280: Umatarou: 2009/05/10 de 18:01 (de domingo): 52 [ho] é a escala que está [miliampère] no [wa] [a]! Como, faz, o ~! 281: Umatarou: 2009/05/23 de 22:16 (de sábado): A vodca [mim] [tsu] [qui] [ya] de 15 na semana passada era forte
- 日本勢に強敵出現 ジャパンカップ
http://myhome.cururu.jp/natukip/blog/article/41002914757 Don't you think? vodka even 1 keeper air w [mashi] ゙ [kayo] w Você não pensa? vodca mesmo 1 ゙ de w do ar do depositário [mashi] [kayo] w
- JCは確勝のコンデュイットから頭勝負!
http://tawagotokeibadou.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/11/post-f0e4.html Concerning the vodka as for truth “you turn off” and it is to be intention, but holding down the insurance A respeito da vodca quanto para à verdade “você desliga” e é ser intenção, mas manter o seguro
- 第29回ジャパンC(GⅠ)
http://blog.livedoor.jp/portfino_km/archives/51970091.html The vodka penetrates A vodca penetra
- 絶望的な状況からウオッカの差し切りでGⅠ6勝目!
http://naohisa.at.webry.info/200906/article_10.html Vodka. Crown v! In first “1,000,000,000 Yen mare” in history = Yasuda commemoration ------------- Vodca. Coroa v! Na égua de primeiramente “ ienes” na história = na comemoração de Yasuda -------------
- オークスは樫ではない
http://ameblo.jp/skaroarurir/entry-10267831359.html As for the vodka it will not be and Quanto para à vodca não será e
Red Desire, Gamble,