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○■ ユニマットの株主 会は
明治記... General meeting of shareholders of the uni- mat holds at the Meiji commemoration mansion
○■ [buroguneta]: When Asaoki it comes, what it does in any case first? In the midst of participation
○■ こんばんわーvv たお久しぶり... It is dense, it is, it is the [wa] - vv and it is infrequent brown 乃 mediating/helping
○■ Ending also general meeti ng of shareholders, when it is some preparation, whether… well, with thinking, it increases
○■ 株主総会の案内通 が来た... Guide notification of general meeting of shareholders came
○■ The Fujitsu Akikusa direc t. The director senior adviser the director retiring on the 24th, understood in the general meeting of shareholders of 6 ends of the month
○■ ■国内(8日) 4月国 収支(... * (8 days) country April balance of payments (8: 50) May money stock (8: 50) May borrow absorption of funds trend (8: 50) May business insolvency number of cases (13: 30) May business [uotsuchiya] investigation (14: 00) << General meeting of shareholders >> [kawachi] chemicals << balancing of accounts announcement >> the Japanese Asian group, [zatsuparasu], [kumiai] chemical industry, [morozohu] and sumco, doctor sea laboratory, Tokyo easy heaven and earth * foreign country (8 days) beige book (9 days 03: 00) The England bank monetary policy commission (- 9 days) opec general meeting (Vienna) * the schedule which is stated is a possibility of being modified without notice, * as for economic indicator (schedule announcement time/expectation numerical value)
○■ 2011 June 29th (the water ) also “the grommet [bu] it is the akahata” pursuit nuclear profit the same body Tokyo Electric Power Company advertising outlays 11,600,000,000 Yen last year
○■ 6月29日(水) 東京電力... June 29th (the water) the Tokyo Electric Power general meeting of shareholders and, general meeting of shareholders yesterday “of the tea m o seeing and margin” attracted nationwide attention, the general meeting of shareholders “of Tokyo Electric Power” was held, a liberal translation
○■ m (_ _) m previous arrang ement ending, the place where it has here original our corporation at the parking zone of next door
○■ 2009年12月04日17時0.. . 2009 December 04th 17:00/offer: zakzak (evening paper [huji]), a liberal translation
○■ (6/11) From nhk.jp/n3w85e 8g6/11 17:09 nonconfidence motion rejection one week - Shigeru Isiba (to be, the lawn to do, the [ge] [ru]) [burogu] - blogos ([burogosu]) - livedoor news The 17:13 '[hi] [gu] it seems it is not, time the solution' [niko] raw two nights in the midst of continual broadcast ~ part ~ broadcast 17:29 Kobayashi [yu] [u] “emergency you inform!”, a liberal translation
○■ 総会前に読むのに 刺激が強す... Although you read before the general meeting, the kana to which stimulus is too strong?
○■ These are talking of Ja panese blogoholic.
○■ 以上の「総括質疑 をした... “You questioned above generally”
○■ Because it is other compa nies, there are no times when you talk above necessity, but “for the airliner to make a profit in the surface talks of a certain company, how it should have done?”With it has been heard
○■ 今朝も鶯の鳴き声 目を覚まし... Now also morning woke up with calling voice of the 鶯
○■ Today participates in the study meeting of tax workshop
○■ もちろんノンアル ールですか... Of course, because it is non alcohol, it does not become drunk, don't you think?? (Laughing), a liberal translation
○■ Well, it is Tokyo stock m arket, but yesterday fluctuation ratio 120% unit “to buy too much the zone entering”, it stopped, a liberal translation
○■ 「いつまでにって んであるん... “The [tsu] [te] it is asked how long, it is? Time limit?”
○■ Receiving the accident of the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima first nuclear power plant, the shareholder approximately 200 people of the Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. which approves to calling the citizen group which opposes to the nuclear plant, seem that comes to the point of submitting the bill which requests the abolition of the nuclear plant from the general meeting of shareholders which next month is opened
○■ 6月20日、全日本空 の株主... June 20th, there was a general meeting of shareholders of All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd., a liberal translation
○■ Because it means that the shareholder property decreases one at once comparatively are and the 尤 which get angry
○■ 今年は他と総会が ち合い、出... It was the schedule where this year other things and general meeting coincide, cannot attend but although… the rice ball which comes out in the coffee hour here distantly we like the pickle, already it is not even from next year, it is, don't you think? the ~ the [wa] which is regrettable, a liberal translation
○■ Of course Yuuko! [hiihaa]!!
○■ ちなみに出席した 合でも、私... By the way, because, I am the net Benkei's chicken even with when it attends, the going/participating seat it does stealthily, (laughing)
○■ Besides the fact that you considered general meeting of shareholders in conservation of electricity, introduced private power generation at part you refrained from the use of air-conditioning and illuminating, a liberal translation
○■ (阪神9300系は 色使いから... (The Osaka and Kobe 9300 systems were called the “[jiyabitsuto] streetcar” from color errand, became problem even in the general meeting of shareholders so is, a liberal translation
○■ So, like this while havin g done, it ended general meeting of shareholders, the president alternated, a liberal translation
Annual general meeting,