- In the statement ~ particular place of minutes in the case where the shareholder who existence is not done attends general meeting of shareholders the attendance method (enforcement systematic 72 provision 3 section 1), a liberal translation
http://sihousyositalaw.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/post-61be.html As for the company of December balancing of accounts, time of general meeting of shareholders has gotten near En cuanto a la compañía del equilibrio de diciembre de cuentas, la época de la reunión de accionistas general ha conseguido cerca
- soukai nioiteno �� ininjou ��
http://kanou-miyashiro.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-06-29 June 29th (the water) the Tokyo Electric Power general meeting of shareholders and, general meeting of shareholders yesterday “of the tea m o seeing and margin” attracted nationwide attention, the general meeting of shareholders “of Tokyo Electric Power” was held, a liberal translation El 29 de junio (el agua) la reunión general de la energía eléctrica de Tokio de accionistas y, reunión de accionistas general ayer “del té m atención a escala nacional atraída el considerar y del margen de o”, la reunión general de accionistas “de la energía eléctrica de Tokio” fueron celebradas
- It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
http://merry5656.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-06-27 Because 2010 June 27th (day), this day, general meeting of shareholders and this year when secret of [eibetsukusu] lively it participates there was the right to vote equivalent to two, you went out with the married couple Porque el 27 de junio 2010 (día), este día, reunión de accionistas general y este año cuando participa el secreto [eibetsukusu] animadamente de él allí el correcto de votar equivalente a dos, usted salió con los pares casados
- !!! This is stock investment of 30,000 Yen in my every month, - the Japanese stocks you buy! Every month, the joy allotment generous treatment keeping increasing
http://siozukeeeeee.blog45.fc2.com/blog-entry-2430.html Successively, it is the guide of the general meeting of shareholders which arrives, but I see securely Sucesivamente, es la guía de la reunión de accionistas general que llega, pero veo con seguridad
Annual general meeting, Reportage, Business,