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○■ 【原発】は恐ろし ですね... Being fearful, the shank
○■ “The [ho] and others, p lease see”
○■ 電力各社の株主総 が終わりま... General meeting of shareholders of electrical each company ended, but in each case there is a result and starts with like general meeting, a liberal translation
○■ Offered collection of dat a in also the imitation director and imitation auditor, but “from the Japanese Koa routine work “as for collection of data of the mass communications in order not to receive communication,”, there was”, (1 corporations which serve the imitation director) and the like in the reason, collection of data was denied
○■ 民主案も政府案と 様に「教員... , a liberal translation
○■ As for official all bonus cutting and remuneration avoiding centralized day, we want 7~15% reduction general meeting opening day holding with forward fall
○■ ()内は発表予定 間、市場... () Inside announcement predetermined time, market predicted value, a liberal translation
○■ Causing the unprecedented large accident of the Fukushima first nuclear plant, Tokyo Electric Power which responsibility should overtake directly, tbs stocks 700,000,000 Yen and Asahi National Broadcasting Co. stocks 400,000,000 Yen etc and the image media which is big power in public opinion formation (the news media) possesses stock in large quantities
○■ 株主は配当の増加 会社経営の利... Because the shareholder is expecting the rise of the stock price which comes from the rise of profit ratio of increase company management of allotment, the [ru] is, earnings so you do not approve the can tongue in the bill which decreases being, it does, the [yo, a liberal translation
○■ The edge was sent to acci dent of the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima 1st nuclear plant, “summer of conservation of electricity” the production was received
○■ 本日ご出席の株主 数は代理人な... As for shareholder total number of this day attendance including, representative and shareholders by the right to vote use book the number 350 names
○■ Yesterday answer kneading review of civil law and company law (as for company law establishment and general meeting of shareholders, the director (meeting) and calculation) you did, but is, 30 minute ~ one hours to spend concerning, the fog and others you must be in other things, because also thing it is, it stopped midway, a liberal translation
○■ 明日の予定
・5月 の第3次産業... Third industrial activity exponent (multipara ministry) of schedule May of tomorrow (8: 50) Financial economic monthly report (Bank of Japan) of July (14: 00) The inauguration interview Tokyo Stock Exchange 1 section presentation abolition = of life insurance association leader Watanabe s s (with acquisition of stock by the German medicine manufacture major company) << general meeting of shareholders >> God island conversion, a liberal translation
○■ 2006 June 24th Saturday is
○■ 大株主の言うこと 強いというこ... Say that it is strong for the large shareholder to say,
○■ Also last year was hot, b ut it is something which this year rushes to the great summer
○■ 以下は蛇足ですが 会見に出席し... , a liberal translation
○■ Today cherry bell large g eneral meeting of shareholders, a liberal translation
○■ ・4~6月期=米 mr... , a liberal translation
○■ 12~ May period = Kentucky Fried Chicken Japan Ltd.
○■ もちろん9月以降 、ラウンジの... Of course, the lounge you take care also after the September, is, a liberal translation
○■ Don't you think? so if yo u said, Friday it was the lowering which Nikkei average is enormous
○■ おそらく急速に非 発が進んでい... Perhaps, as for the non nuclear plant keeps advancing quickly you are not wrong, but simply problem is whether that keeps developing at speed one how much whether it does not go
○■ Always sitting down in th e 咳, because you work, it became good feeling conversion
○■ 6/28(日)
さ いたまスーパ... 6/28 (day) occasion cartridge super arena
○■ You say that Tokyo Electr ic Power which has the necessity to pay the large amount of compensation in the Fukushima first nuclear accident it means to support at tax and electric charges price hike
○■ 株主総会も終わり たな経営陣の... It ends also general meeting of shareholders and renovates also staff personal affairs under the new management, the around of greeting to customer is continued at many companies
○■ Yesterday Sanrio Company Ltd. general meeting of shareholders met, but it is, without appearing to, you played with the child, a liberal translation
○■ 今月末の株主総会 送り込まれる... President Tokyo Electric Power Company Shimizu who fears the assassin who now is sent to the general meeting of shareholders of end of the month escaped from the earth temporarily, but is, because the head is bad, don't you think? as for the whereabouts being certain, - it is
○■ Today, the Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. (9531) [attends the general meeting of shareholders of Tokyo Stock Exchange] the Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.… whichYour plain image gift….
Annual general meeting,