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○■ --------------... ------- ------------------------------------------------------------ May by all means -> this propriety -> -------------------------------------------------------------------
○■ 今日の武佐川は1 月8日のも... As for present military affairs Sakawa with those November 8th, it is the difference which cannot be thought at all
○■ With just a little the le nient slope, me and as for kt department manager shouldering the rucksack which stacked the water the instrument the [ru] says, at all was room, a liberal translation
○■ いよいよ氷瀑祭り 会場に到着... More and more the ice 瀑 it is arrival in the meeting place of the celebration, a liberal translation
○■ しかも、昨日、頼 れて、明日... Furthermore, yesterday, being asked, because also tomorrow became going to work, to Monday it is work
○■ Well well the [itsu] [no] 間 [ni] you apply to comfortable riding comfort, assuming that you question, when the air is attached, near Ochiai jct in the midst of travelling
○■ 『真剣に聞いてる うで聞いて... 'Hearing seriously, with the [ru] way' the cat Senryu which every week when it is not heard can be read is the pleasure
○■ Up-to-date article “of 0 Tomari 2 food [pu] viewing” category 0 Tomari 2 food plan 0 Tomari 2 food plan, a liberal translation
○■ 「登山」カテゴリ 最新記事... In the up-to-date article honorable rain “of mountain-climbing” category, fall of the mountain tent village of Sakamoto going straight fine arts museum snowscape the [a] it is astringent in day seeing
○■ 雪景色を見ながら 朝食は菊華... While looking at snowscape, it received breakfast between the rose of the chrysanthemum bloom 荘, a liberal translation
○■ When Asaoki it tries comi ng, even the [u] [tsu] Asahi shining in the snow which it accumulated, the bloom of the snow had bloomed in the trees of the garden
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