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○■ 6〜10センチの積雪 したが... It was the snow of 6 - 10 centimeters, but at the area where the snow is many with this snow it seems that does not become agitation
○■ Heat with every snow remo val it is there is no excuse in the people of snow country which has been done season hardship outside [nigate] of the 殊 as I, but the kana where the winter does not come quickly, with you ask
○■ とかいいつつも、 べたいも... Or with when, eating those which we would like to eat normally, however it increases, don't you think? (laughing), a liberal translation
○■ この桜も既に半ば 散ってし... This cherry tree already the middle scattered, a liberal translation
○■ Unless there is a light o f positive, don't you think? snowscape in only the gray the copying and others side and the [e, a liberal translation
○■ お値段は、200 の物が多... As for price, those of 200 Yen are many, is, but… depending upon the thing price is different, - -, a liberal translation
○■ Thank you truly! After th e end of a show by medium bus of torrential rains to movement and Matsumoto of approximately 3 hours
○■ 最後は雪のためか が分からなく... As for end because of the snow the road has stopped understanding “see and appear under the Hari stand”, whether, but somehow it could
○■ 」と誰かが言って ような気がす... ” With someone does probably will say the air, a liberal translation
○■ When Asaoki it comes, the [kore] yesterday [chirachira] snow fell, although [kedo] which, never it accumulates with already immediately it is April so much, the ~, a liberal translation
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