- Story of snow, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/asunomoto/entry-11145797698.html 'It is it is' 1 days “É ele é” os dias 1
- Sparrow _120202 in snow, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/tiller8888/e/77e376579504e48778d143b9bb14a6ff 'The sea bird' empty of the one foot you ask “O pássaro de mar” vazio do um pé que você pede
- It is not! It is not!
http://takaandmomo.cocolog-nifty.com/momo/2012/02/post-9d7b.html 'That ~? You placed in here certainly, but it is, the ~?', a liberal translation “Esse ~? Você coloc dentro aqui certamente, mas é, o ~?”
- [pawasupo]. (Parte 2)
http://qt-r.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/02/post-ca69.html 'Salt and rudder of purification. Mori', a liberal translation “Sal e leme da purificação. Mori”
- The Yatsugatake traversing 3 right present peak three heads, a liberal translation
http://hinatatekuteku.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-7903.html 'With the heliport mark', being surrounded in the many dragonflies, we meet with Mt. Fuji again,, a liberal translation “Com a marca do heliporto”, sendo cercado em muitas libélulas, nós encontramos Mt. Fuji outra vez,
- Whisper of spring
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/zitensyaoyazi2002/e/661258f816f1162ad2c82862a330390e 'With monochrome [tsu] [se]!' „Mit Monochrom [tsu] [Se]!“
- Now morning. .
http://azukiblog.livedoor.biz/archives/53411966.html 'Waiting,…' with “Esperando,…” com
- End 1, a liberal translation
http://batabatabiyori.seesaa.net/article/238269847.html 'Hearing seriously, with the [ru] way' the cat Senryu which every week when it is not heard can be read is the pleasure “Ouvindo-se seriamente, com a maneira [ru]” o gato Senryu que cada semana quando não se ouve pode ser lida é o prazer
- (゚ д ゚) < fine weather, a liberal translation
http://dahedahe.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/post-0b0e.html 'Weekday Fuji alpha Romeo' „Wochentag Fuji AlphaRomeo“
- Lever ゙ mass [ma]* The Aomori performance MC, a liberal translation
http://m-538dbacd0ad52a00-m.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/mc-7d6f.html 'It wishes to insert, Aomori' “Deseja introduzir, Aomori”
- Taste of honey of white flower
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/zitensyaoyazi2002/e/523af87e14dacc8bf14a7d08bd0c1d3b 'With monochrome [tsu] [se]!' “Com monochrome [tsu] [SE]!”
Snow, Leisure,