- This week photograph*
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yogasuki/e/2e06404783f1aaaa093bd622ca279ee8 Monday morning, as for Kanto district as for the road which goes to the Isehara lesson which the snow gets off true [tsu] white Понедельник утром, как для заречья Kanto как на дорогу которое идет к уроку Isehara который снежок получает с истинной белизны [tsu
- First snow
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/miyann1007/21796126.html Morning, opening the curtain timidly, when you look at outside,…Accumulating with [wa] [a] - [kitaa] all over true [tsu] white, it increased, a liberal translation Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
- First going to work 2 of snow-covered road
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/v01688/62562612.html Morning, the snow a little it was undersized, but thin thin falling, it increases Утро, снежок немногая оно было низкоросло, но тонкий тонкий падать, оно увеличивает
- The ~ it does, this season first snowscape with the snow, a liberal translation
http://tanosimukai.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/post-3ddd.html Small white ones flickered from morning, became large gradually and the top of the roof and the earth became white Малая белизна одни мелькнула от утра, стала большой постепенно и верхняя часть крыши и земли стала белой
- With military affairs Sakawa promenade 2 (sea benevolence mountain plateau which shines), a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/butterfly65jp/65699328.html When Asaoki it came, the snow Sawayama accumulated from yesterday and completely became the dressing up in the winter, a liberal translation Когда Asaoki оно пришло, снежок Sawayama аккумулированное от вчера и вполне стал шлихтой вверх в зиме
- Inspection of bronchial mirror
http://warawara2008.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/post-23bb.html When Asaoki it comes, outside just a little is white snowscape “coldly so” Когда Asaoki оно приходит, вне как раз немного белое snowscape «холодно так»
- Bloom of snow
http://kougennokaze.air-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-853a.html When Asaoki it tries coming, even the [u] [tsu] Asahi shining in the snow which it accumulated, the bloom of the snow had bloomed in the trees of the garden Когда Asaoki оно пробует прийти, даже [u] [tsu] Asahi светя в снежке который он аккумулировал, цветене снежка зацвел в валах сада
- At the city center now the snow of the beginning of the year. Now morning the transportation disorder seed.
http://sakaking.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/02/post-aa49.html When Asaoki it came, unexpectedly it was land true [tsu] white, a liberal translation Когда Asaoki оно пришло, непредвиденно было белизной земли истинной [tsu
Snow, Leisure,