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○■ 皆さんお疲れさま thank'... Everyone fatigue &thank's!!, a liberal translation
○■ Rare [gachiyapin] which i s the 瑛 @ you contributed instant you were killed with secret secret principles of [u] [nahateika] ゙ [ru], but it is, [rehe] ゙ [ru] it is low the oak and others
○■ 弟のトコ一人目、 くんは
最終... The [toko] one person eye of the younger brother, 悠 becoming last day [gachiyapin], it appears
○■ もちろんかわいい 見ると嬉しく... When of course lovely child you see, it becomes delightful, but it does not do [tokimeki] separately
○■ With such feeling of the ☆↑ which is meeting of the [me] [chi] [ya] oral [ya] large 人数, at such as the respective workplace it becomes problem like the play forming, the fact that among other things it announces before everyone
○■ なぜかガチャピン 一緒に中耳炎... Why, also [gachiyapin] becomes together the otitis media,, a liberal translation
○■ By the way when it is sum mer, the [gachiyapin] t shirt, under, installing the underpants of yellow green, me, sleeping, it increases
○■ そんな慌ただしい 々を過ごして... Passes such a busy everyday life makes season [mamu] feel which the flower which the one wheel
○■ 今セミナー会場に ますが、通り... Now it is in the seminar meeting place, but the foam/home door of the pathway and the god of wealth the [tsu] which is seen! With [gachiyapin] color, the guard it was
○■ 今日は都内でも20 近くま... Today inside capital, air temperature to rise to nearly 20 degrees, just Hanami day harmony cheerfulness, a liberal translation
○■ Therefore now, with the v oice which becomes husky, [gachiyapin], ([a], being similar to transferring and [gachiyapin], the [ru] it is,), “[sekushigachiyapin]” and, asabon called
○■ 11. posted by ジ... 11. Each time searching with posted by jaw east 2011 February 05th 17:51 ceremony of signing, direction is the fact that it is faced to be some intention?, a liberal translation
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