- New item???
http://ameblo.jp/428814/entry-10752586630.html Don't you think? 'some exposing it is, it is!', a liberal translation Nicht denken Sie? „einiges, das ihn herausstellt, ist, es ist!“
- There is a after inferior picture!
http://ameblo.jp/aaa-delicious/entry-10660749946.html '[darazu] yellow width family love!' „[darazu] gelbe Breitenfamilienliebe!“
- May be linked to more detailed information..
http://miyukikko.blog73.fc2.com/blog-entry-1525.html '[wa] [a] -!'Tomo which increases [tsu] [te] voice, a liberal translation '[wa] [a] -! 'Tomo, das [tsu] [te,] sich erhöht, Stimme
- These are a Lots of Japanese the most recent topics.
http://little-angel.air-nifty.com/angelblog/2011/02/post-ec1d.html 'As for [oni] outside ~! As for luck inside ~!'Bad [oni] way if ~ 'Was [oni] Außenseite ~ anbetrifft! Was Glück anbetrifft innerhalb des ~! 'Schlechte [oni] Weise wenn ~
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