- * Serialization [masakionzamaiku]* [horudagaisutoenbanmen
http://blog.livedoor.jp/masaki_mkb/archives/51921091.html So if you say, there is an impression where the old record store is recently activated 因此,如果您说,有最近激活老记录商店的印象
- Finally appearance!
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ayumu_k_1965/e/580779b4de08a4f00c7a712253911c7e?fm=rss So, if you said, it went with such densely, don't you think? the [e 因此,如果您说,它密集地去与这样,您是否不认为? [e
- original letters
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/grizzly1/20100529 So if you said, there was a flight unit in the [hekeheke] edition van bull 因此,如果您说,有在[hekeheke] edition van bull的一个飞行单位
- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/miwa39/entry-10500632642.html So, if you say, “may laugh also” [gachiyapin] and the mook coming out, now it does, the seed, a liberal translation 因此,如果您说, “可以也笑” [gachiyapin],并且出来的mook,它现在,种子
Gachapin, Broadcast,