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○■ 現代のこのような 況を知ると、... When this kind of circumstance of today is known, certainly this way, you say, probably will be
○■ Recently, health insuranc e and being simultaneous with the development of aging society, you feared insurance money insufficiency and as for the public official the tendency which keeps making nursing recognition harsh became remarkable, a liberal translation
○■ 最後まで見てる時 もなく、不完... It returned with incomplete combustion without either the time when you see to end,, a liberal translation
○■ You think that Japan comp ared to the Chinese one, as for food service industry and the like the [gu] - it is with you can expect the extension,
○■ 日本は1970年(昭和 45年)... Japan 1970 (1970) in aging society 1994 (1994) becomes elderly society and 2007 (2007) becomes super elderly society
○■ 今後は高齢化社会 進みますから... Because in the future aging society advances, regrettable it becomes dim and also the [chi] [ya] [u] person is present the large quantity, don't you think?
○■ Only 1 tenths of populati on seeking “the university image” of the times when it does not do to the university, from the university student of the times when one person enters school of higher grade two people, it means without being constructive,
○■ もちろん膀胱炎や 胱がん、結石... Of course urine cystitis and the bladder cancer and even such as calculus. Because as for the impendence impression there are times when it happens, with normality diagnosis and treatment, it is important to verify that it is not these sicknesses
○■ Most, it does not tidy up the home and calls also the [te], cannot trouble the hand of the group member, thing was the big merit, a liberal translation
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