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○■ 人間はあれほどま にモンスタ... The human is to be the danger which to monster is converted to that much, a liberal translation
○■ In other words in the pro boscis you call “the tax system and one reformation of social security” etc, but it is the administration which is moving the truth and according to thought of 100% financial world, a liberal translation
○■ それでもやってい ミスと駄目... Even then mistake and useless mistake, and the guaranty of the method which of recovering that it is possible to do it probably will be
○■ 日本中が高齢化社 に突入しつ... The inside of Japan is rushing in aging society, but, the kind of air which is in the leading edge does Yawata of my hometown town,, a liberal translation
○■ In “it will die and as for having been about that medical science probably will aim the [za] [ma]”, you thought that it is to fulfill these kind of all the human lives
○■ 酒、タバコは、「 成人 」... The liquor and the tobacco, are not something which “the adult” and others is possible,
○■ Recently, finally we, a w ay, being the dissatisfaction for the thing which is not visible were not [ru], what says the dissatisfaction for having lived was found
○■ 僕も人生カウント ウンの始まる... It rushed to the generation where me life countdown starts, you think, a liberal translation
○■ However, is possible the fact that rent of annual 800,000,000 Yen is put out to the consumer agency which can be made new
○■ ということは、8 代90代の税... With as for the notion that where you say, say that the people of the licensed tax accountant of 80 generation 90 generations are the large quantity,
○■ だから本当公共機 やそれに近い... Therefore as for the true public agency and those which are close to that of course, 24 hours we want earth day celebration national holiday all business doing business, it is, don't you think?
○■ 【注】壁のシミは なかったこ... The blotch of the wall please makes the thing which was not seen, a liberal translation
○■ Although income of the se nior citizen decreases, 20 - 30 years later when the senior citizen of one person living increases rapidly, presently approximately 40 years old are expected, shape of the family of “super aging society” how it probably has become
○■ それは特に若い人 定年後そう... Especially the young person does probably will put out that to such conduct after the retirement age the air
○■ 少子高齢化社会を かに生き抜... The [tsu] lever which survives richly, that just a little you think of little child aging society seriously whether it is not to be extension such,
○■ As for view of countrysid e during being cut off of the cloud of the post rainfall of the other day (Ogawa) there was a valley before the eye, that the rice field was spreading first
○■ 今日の日めくりは 声無きに聴... “There is no voice to hear the present block calendar, shape it is not the apparent [ru
○■ This time encounter the s plendid people, you have expected to the spread of the organizational healthy mah-jongg which becomes first even with entire country, a liberal translation
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